What is the coldest month in Hurghada?

What is the coldest month in Hurghada?

July is the hottest month in Hurghada with an average temperature of 30°C (86°F) and the coldest is January at 16°C (61°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 13 in August. The wettest month is November with an average of 2mm of rain.

What is the best month to visit Hurghada?

The weather in Hurghada is very pleasant with temperatures rarely dropping below 20°C. July and August are the warmest months to visit the resort, with temperatures reaching a hot and humid 30°C.

What was the temperature in Hurghada today?

Seven day forecast for Hurghada

Time Now 11:00
Chance of precipitation <5% <5%
Temperature °C °F
Temperature in degrees Celsius 22° 29°
Feels like temperature °C

What is the hottest month in Hurghada?

Climate – Hurghada (Egypt)

Month Min (°C) Max (°F)
May 23 93
June 26 97
July 28 99
August 28 100

Is Hurghada Safe 2021?

There is no FCO advice against travel to Cairo, Alexandria, the tourist areas along the Nile, and the Red Sea resorts of Sharm el Sheikh and Hurghada. The section of the country between the Nile and the Red Sea is also considered mostly safe.

Which is hotter Sharm or Hurghada?

Hurghada is slight cooler than Sharm. If you look on the map Sharm is closed in whereas Hurghada is open.

Is Hurghada always windy?

Climate and Average Weather Year Round in Hurghada Egypt. In Hurghada, the summers are long, hot, arid, and clear; the winters are cool, dry, and mostly clear; and it is windy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 54°F to 97°F and is rarely below 50°F or above 102°F.

Are there sharks in Hurghada?

Red Sea divers have spotted the appearance of a rare whale shark on Saturday near the Fanadir area in front of the beaches of Hurghada. The whale shark owes its name to its gargantuan size, with the largest adults reaching up to 13 meters in length, making them among the largest species of fish.

What is the best beach in Hurghada?

The Best Hurghada Beaches

  • Old Vic Beach.
  • Sahl Hasheesh Beach.
  • Makadi Bay.
  • Soma Bay.
  • Mahmya, Giftun Island.
  • Emerald Aqua Park.
  • Meraki Resort (Adults Only)
  • Golden Paradise Aqua Park City.

How far away is Hurghada from the pyramids?

400 km
How far is it from Hurghada to Pyramids of Giza? The distance between Hurghada and Pyramids of Giza is 400 km.

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