What is Atticoantral Csom?

What is Atticoantral Csom?

Page 36. Atticoantral Type of CSOM. • It involves posterosuperior part of middle ear cleft (attic, antrum and. posterior tympanum and mastoid) and is associated with cholesteatoma, which, because of its bone eroding properties, causes risk of serious complications.

What causes acute suppurative otitis media?

What causes acute otitis media? The eustachian tube is the tube that runs from the middle of the ear to the back of the throat. An AOM occurs when your child’s eustachian tube becomes swollen or blocked and traps fluid in the middle ear. The trapped fluid can become infected.

What is suppurative and Nonsuppurative?

Inflammation that is accompanied by suppuration is called suppurative inflammation. When inflammation does not involve pus formation it is said to be nonsuppurative.

What does Atticoantral mean?

Unsafe ear disease, sometimes called atticoantral disease, is typified by a marginal perforation of the posterosuperior pars tensa or pars flaccida. Cholesteatoma is frequently present in CSOM with posterosuperior perforations.

What can be done about chronic suppurative otitis media?

Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media. In children with chronic suppurative otitis media, topical antibiotics may improve symptoms compared with antiseptics. The benefits of ear cleansing are unknown, although this treatment is usually recommended for children with ear discharge.

What are the symptoms of acute otitis media?

Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis are the most common bacterial isolates from the middle ear fluid of children with acute otitis media. Fever, otalgia, headache, irritability, cough, rhinitis, listlessness, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and pulling at the ears are common, but nonspecific symptoms.

What should you do if your child has otitis media?

Antihistamines and decongestants should not be prescribed for children with acute otitis media or otitis media with effusion. Observation without antibiotic therapy is an option in selected children with acute otitis media.

What does vertigo mean in relation to otitis media?

Pain- Indicates extradural, perisinus or brain abscess or otitis media externa with discharging ear. Vertigo- Indicates erosion of lateral semicircular canal which may progress to labyrinthitis or meningitidis. This part is confusing to many about where and what is the exact difference between canal up and canal down procedures.

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