What is mass in plant breeding?

What is mass in plant breeding?

Mass Selection: When a large number of plants of similar phenotype are selected and their seeds are mixed together to constitute a new variety is called mass selection. The population obtained from the selected plants would be more uniform than the original population.

What is mass selection in animal breeding?

In mass selection, a number of individuals chosen on the basis of appearance are mated; their progeny are further selected for the preferred characteristics, and the process is continued for as many generations as is desired.

What defines mass selection?

: selection as breeding stock of those members of a population exhibiting desirable qualities or elimination of those showing undesirable qualities : phenotypic selection — compare progeny test.

What are the 2 methods of breeding?

Basically, there are two methods of breeding which are as follows:

  • Inbreeding : Breeding of the related animals as sire (male) and dam (female) are known as inbreeding.
  • Out breeding : Out breeding of unrelated animals as male and female is known as out breeding.

Why is mass selection important?

Mass selection The seed from selected plants is bulked for the next generation. This method is used to improve the overall population by positive or negative mass selection. Mass selection is only applied to a limited degree in self-fertilizing plants and is an effective method for the improvement of land races.

What is hybridization in plant breeding?

Hybridization is the method of producing new crop varieties by crossing. two genetically different parents. Hybridization is applicable to both self and. cross-pollinated crops. The main purpose of hybridization is to create variation.

What is individual or mass selection?

Individual or mass selection is the simplest, oldest and most often effective method of selection, where the best individuals are selected from a population on the basis of their own ‘phenotypic value’ compared to the population means, e.g., the largest individuals, the survivors of a disease, or according to their …

Why is mass selection considered a form of controlled breeding?

If the new plants have the same desirable traits, their seeds are collected and planted. The process goes on for many generations of the plants. The result of mass selection is a new kind of plant with certain desirable traits. Mating organisms to produce offspring with certain traits is called controlled breeding.

What is mutation in plant breeding?

Mutation breeding, sometimes referred to as “variation breeding”, is the process of exposing seeds to chemicals, radiation, or enzymes in order to generate mutants with desirable traits to be bred with other cultivars. Plants created using mutagenesis are sometimes called mutagenic plants or mutagenic seeds.

What breeding means?

Breeding is sexual reproduction that produces offspring, usually animals or plants. It can only occur between a male and a female animal or plant. Sexual reproduction of plants. Plant breeding, through specimens selected by humans for desirable traits.

What is a breeding process?

The animal breeding process starts with setting a goal; the breeder identifies traits that deliver improvements, for example for animals that show to be less susceptible for a certain disease. The next step is selection; animals or groups of animals with the desired genetic traits are selected.

In which crop is the method of mass selection?

The mass selection is practiced in the cross-pollinated crops and the self-pollinated crops which are selected for the phenotype appearance, which is done for the observable characteristic of the plant such as the height of the plant, grain size, etc. Hence, the correct option is ‘C’.

How is mass selection used in plant breeding?

Mass selection increases frequencies of desirable genes. This type of selection method of plant breeding can be carried out multiple times as mass selected variety may contain considerable genetic variation. But, new genetic variability is not created; only the present one is used just to improve base population performance.

Which is the best definition of bulk breeding?

Bulk breeding refers to a selection procedure in which the segregating population of self-pollinated species is grown in bulk plot (From F 1 to F 5) with or without selection, a part of the bulk seed is used to grow the next generation and individual plant selection is practised in F 6 or later generations.

Who was the inventor of the bulk breeding method?

This method is also termed as mass or population method or evolutionary method of crop improvement. The concept of bulk breeding method was developed by Nilsson Ehle in 1908. 1. Application:

What does it mean when a plant is a breed?

In plants, such a population is described as a variety or cultivar; in livestock, it is called a breed. Purebreds result from one or more generations of inbreeding, or mating of close relatives, such as brother to sister or offspring to parent (backcrossing).


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