What is a 9 personality?

What is a 9 personality?

What is an Enneagram Type 9 (The Peacekeeper)? People with an Enneagram Type 9 personality tend to be accepting, optimistic, and adaptive in their behavior. They like peace and tend to avoid conflict. They tend to enjoy time alone or with smaller groups of people.

What is a 1 with a 9 wing?

An Enneagram type one with a nine wing primarily shows the characteristics of a type one, but shares a few with the type nine, as well. People with a type one wing nine personality tend to be judicial and rational in their behavior, but are generally more calm and balanced than other type ones.

What is the relationship between 1 and 9?

Ones and Nines are both instinctual personalities, meaning they are intuitive and generally focused on controlling a situation. Ones are driven by their moral compass and aren’t very concerned with peacekeeping. Nines, however, seek to create both internal and external harmony and stability.

What is a Type 1 personality?

Type Ones are people who are conscientious, sensible, ethical, responsible, idealistic, serious, self-disciplined, orderly, and feel personally obligated to improve themselves and their world.

Where do 9s go in stress?

When 9’s are stressed, they first dip into their unhealthy traits as a 9 (indecisive, passive aggressive, forgetful). However, after that level, if they are still stressed or the stress increases they will move towards type 6 and pick up the average to unhealthy traits of 6.

Is Enneagram 9 passive aggressive?

Average (Level 4–6) Average Nines seek to maintain things as there are, avoiding any conflict. Their defense mechanism includes downplaying problems, checking-out, becoming passive-aggressive and unresponsive when conflict arises.

What are 1w9s like?

1w9s are more introverted than their 1w2 counterparts and enjoy their time alone. They like reading or studying the subject of their interest quietly. Spending time alone helps them develop their idealistic concepts while also protecting them from being influenced by others.

How do you know if your 9w1?

Enneagram 9w1 Strengths

  1. Easily seeing many sides to a situation.
  2. Desire to help and improve the lives of others.
  3. Strong work ethic and focus.
  4. Deeply rooted motivation and purpose.
  5. Ability to remain open-minded.

Who should type 9 marry?

Type Nines commonly pair well with Ones, Twos. In a Nine-One partnership, Ones hugely benefit from the easygoing nature of the Nine. Ones suffer from an intense inner critic, and the gentle, agreeable Nine can reduce their anxiety about always having to be right.

Who are Type 9 compatible with?

Enter: Type 9s. The Peacemaker, a Type 9 will support and accept a Type 3 for who they are — while also encouraging them to tap into a deeper well of self-awareness and vulnerability.

What is a type 8?

Type Eight in Brief Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating.

What is Type 2 personality?

Enneagram type 2 is called the helper. At their best, they are kind, generous, warm hearted, and loving. In times of disintegration (unhealth) they can be manipulative, people-pleasing, enmeshed or codependent. At work, Type 2’s see the work that they do through the lens of relationships.

Why is it important to know the 9 personality types?

It helps you interact with people more smoothly. You see the person as a whole, and not be trapped by first impressions. It would be to your benefit to learn the 9 types of personalities, and use the knowledge for your own self-development, happiness, and success.

What makes a one wing nine personality type?

They are motivated by a strong sense of right and wrong. One-wing-nine personality types have a basic fear of being unethical and corrupt. They avoid making morally wrong choices and can be objective and emotionally reserved. They have a basic desire to be morally good. They advocate for rights of others through teaching and discussion.

How does the Enneagram personality test measure your personality?

Your personality, as per the enneagram personality tests, is nurtured by your environment, education, and culture. It may either be in opposite or in consonance with your natural essence. When contrary, your personality is unhealthy and when in harmony, you are considered healthy enneagram personality type.

What makes an Enneagram type one wing 9 an optimist?

What is an Enneagram type 1 wing 9 (The Optimist)? An Enneagram type one with a nine wing primarily shows the characteristics of a type one, but shares a few with the type nine, as well. People with a type one wing nine personality tend to be judicial and rational in their behavior, but are generally more calm and balanced than other type ones.

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