What is the weather like in Mauritius in February?

What is the weather like in Mauritius in February?

The average temperature in February is 26ºC, which is made up of highs of 28ºC and lows of 24ºC. Sunshine and Sea Temperature In February? With seven hours of sunshine a day and a very warm sea temperature of 28°C it’s a super month to hit the beach and enjoy water sports.

How much does it rain in Mauritius in February?

There’s 242mm of rain over 17 days, but you can still expect 13 hours of daylight and eight hours of sunshine each day.

What is the coldest month in Mauritius?

The warmest months are January and February with average day maximum temperature reaching 29.2 degrees Celsius and the coolest months are July and August when average night minimum temperatures drops down to 16.4 degrees Celsius.

What is the coldest temperature ever recorded in Mauritius?

The highest recorded temperature in Port Louis is 102.0°F (38.9°C), which was recorded in January. The lowest recorded temperature in Port Louis is 45.0°F (7.2°C), which was recorded in May.

Is Mauritius hot in February?

February is a hot and humid month in Mauritius, and it’s the second rainiest (after January). There is still a chance of cyclones in February although they aren’t that common.

Is February a good time to visit Mauritius?

The best time to visit Mauritius is from May to December when the weather is cool, dry and sunny. We don’t recommend visting Mauritius during the wet cyclone season, from January to March, and avoid the east coast in July and August, when the wind is at its strongest.

Is February a good time to go to Mauritius?

The best time to visit Mauritius is toward the end of the year, from October through to December, when temperatures are hottest. However, Mauritius has an enviable subtropical climate that normally brings sun, warmth, and blue skies, so expect perfect beach weather for most of the year.

Which month is best for Mauritius?

Is Mauritius very humid?

Mauritius has some very humid months, and above average humidity throughout the year. The least humid month is September (68.8% relative humidity), and the most humid month is February (76.8%). Wind in Mauritius is usually moderate.

Where was the lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth?

Stephen Warren, University of Washington (8/22/2007): The world record for low temperature was set at Vostok Station, Antarctica, on 21 July 1983….World: Lowest Temperature.

Record Value -89.2°C (-128.6°F)
Geospatial Location Vostok, Antarctica [77°32’S, 106°40’E, elevation: 3420m (11,220ft)]

What are the hottest months in Mauritius?

The hottest months are December to March with the cooler (though still warm) months June to August. The sea temperature is warm all year round, reaching 27 °C during summer which is 10 degrees warmer than the UK summer sea temperature.

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