What are the 10 examples of preposition?

What are the 10 examples of preposition?

Some examples of common prepositions used in sentences are:

  • He sat on the chair.
  • There is some milk in the fridge.
  • She was hiding under the table.
  • The cat jumped off the counter.
  • He drove over the bridge.
  • She lost her ring at the beach.
  • The book belongs to Anthony.
  • They were sitting by the tree.

What are the 20 prepositions?

Here is a list of commonly used prepositions: above, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, to, toward, under, upon, with and within.

What are preposition words list?

Prepositions list

about above across
against along among
at before behind
beyond but by
despite down during

What are 30 examples of prepositions?

30 Sentences with Prepositions and Examples

  • Besides: Besides, it’s still early for me.
  • Between: My home is between library and bank.
  • Beside: The napkin is placed beside the plate.
  • Across: Her house is across the street.
  • Beyond: Barcelona football club’s success is beyond question.
  • Over: The window is over the radiator.

What are the 27 prepositions?


Preposition of place Explanation
by, next to, beside, near not far away in distance
between in or into the space which separates two places, people or objects
behind at the back (of)
in front of further forward than someone or something else

What is preposition for kids?

Kids Definition of preposition : a word or group of words that combines with a noun or pronoun to form a phrase that usually acts as an adverb, adjective, or noun “With” in “the house with the red door” is a preposition.

What happens when you get rid of prepositions in a sentence?

For many people, the reality of an entry into a new area of employment is cause for a host of anxieties. Getting rid of the prepositions forces you to tighten up the sentence. The result is shorter, more direct, and easier to understand: Changing careers makes many people anxious.

Are there any words that start with a preposition?

Prepositional phrases start with a preposition and end with a noun, although several different types of words can come in between them. Because there are endless possibilities, there is no comprehensive prepositional phrase list, but here are several examples.

How to use prepositions to refer to a location?

To refer to a location, use the prepositions “in” (an area or volume), “at” (a point), and “on” (a surface). They live in the country. (an area) She will find him at the library. (a point) There is a lot of dirt on the window. (a surface)

How are prepositions used in the English language?

You’ve definitely encountered prepositions before, even if you didn’t know that that’s what they were called. They are connector words that are very frequently used in the English language. Some students learn a preposition song (to the tune of “Yankee Doodle”) to memorize many of the prepositions, but there are more than you might expect.

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