How is aconite poisoning detected?

How is aconite poisoning detected?

Yunaconilne, a highly toxic aconitum alkaloid, was thus identified in human urine for the first time. The group screening method of aconitum alkaloids in urine is an important diagnostic aid for acute poisoning by aconites of an unclear origin.

Can aconite be detected in blood?

Aconitine could be detected in the blood of both victims, in the stomach content of one individual and in the urine of the other. MRM of 3 Channels ES+ 646.4>586.5 646.4>526.4 646.4>368.4 2.37e3 Table 1: Concentrations of aconitine in autopsy samples from two cases of fatal aconite intoxication.

Can aconite poisoning be detected in postmortem?

The autopsy findings in cases of aconitine poisoning death are not specific, therefore, pharmacological testing using postmortem samples is essential for postmortem diagnosis of aconitine poisoning. Few studies of the postmortem distribution of aconitine have been reported [1, 3].

Is winter aconite toxic?

If you have small children or pets that are likely to dig in the garden you may not want winter aconite in your yard as the entire plant, but especially the tuber, is quite poisonous and may cause nausea, vomiting, colic attacks and visual disturbances. Flowers appear very early in the spring.

What is the antidote for aconite?

There is no specific antidote for aconite poisoning. In Ayurveda, dehydrated borax is mentioned for management of aconite poisoning. Aim of the study: The investigation evaluated antidotal effect of processed borax against acute and sub-acute toxicity, cardiac toxicity and neuro-muscular toxicity caused by raw aconite.

How much aconite root is lethal?

Severe intoxication may already occur at doses as low as 0.2 mg [7,10,11]. The approximate fatal dose is 2 mg of pure aconitine, 5 mL of aconite tincture, and 1 g of the plant material [6]. Consumption of a decoction made from 10 to 16 g of processed aconite roots were fatal [17].

Are Aconites poisonous?

Introduction: Aconitine and related alkaloids found in the Aconitum species are highly toxic cardiotoxins and neurotoxins. The wild plant (especially the roots and root tubers) is extremely toxic.

Can you survive aconite?

Patients who overdose on aconite can present with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia. Aconite must be prepared and used with caution to avoid cardiotoxic effects that can be fatal. We herein describe a case of a patient who had an accidental aconite overdose but survived with no lasting effects.

Do squirrels eat winter aconite?

If you are troubled with crocus and other bulbs being eaten by squirrels and mice plant Winter Aconite instead. Winter Aconite will naturalize under deciduous trees and is good for the edges of woodland gardens. You can also plant them along paths, in rock gardens, or near patios for early color.

How did the winter aconite get its name?

Winter aconite is a low maintenance perennial tuber native to Europe in the Ranunculaceae (buttercup) family. Its showy bright yellow butter-cup blooms appear in late winter to very early spring and excellent for long, winter blooming display. The name comes from the Greek ‘ helein ‘= to injure and ‘ bora ‘= food.

When do winter Aconites bloom in North Carolina?

This plant has high severity poison characteristics. Winter aconite is a low maintenance perennial tuber native to Europe in the Ranunculaceae (buttercup) family. Its showy bright yellow butter-cup blooms appear in late winter to very early spring and excellent for long, winter blooming display.

How to care for a winter aconite plant?

Plant tubers 1 in. apart, 60-100 per sq. ft., burying it 5 in. to the base of the tuber. This plant is injured below 5 degrees F (-15 degrees C). It tolerates drought, but make sure to keep the soil moist during the growing season.

What are the clinical features of aconite poisoning?

Aconitine, mesaconitine, and hypaconitine can induce strong contractions of the ileum through acetylcholine release from the postganglionic cholinergic nerves. Clinical features: Patients present predominantly with a combination of neurological, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal features.

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