What is integrated method of vector control?

What is integrated method of vector control?

Definition: Integrated Vector Management is a decision-making process for the management of vector populations, so as to reduce or interrupt transmission of vector-borne diseases.

What are the vector control measures?


  • Use of mosquito repellent creams, liquids, coils, mats etc.
  • Wearing of full sleeve shirts and full pants with socks.
  • Use of bednets for sleeping infants and young children during day time to prevent mosquito bite.

What is the most effective prevention method for vector-borne disease?

Insecticide-treated materials (ITMs), typically deployed as insecticide-treated bednets, have proved highly effective in preventing diseases transmitted by nocturnally active mosquitoes.

Who integrated vector management?

Integrated vector management (IVM) is a rational decision-making process that encourages optimal use of resources for efficient, cost-effective and sustainable vector control.

What are the control measures of mosquito?

Mosquito Control Methods

  • CHEMICAL CONTROL whereby chemical insecticides are used to kill the mosquitoes, such as by fogging.
  • SOURCE REDUCTION by removing containers, tyres etc.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL to eliminate the breeding by altering the environment to make it unfavourable for mosquitoes to breed.

What is vector management plan?

The Vector Management Plan identifies specific objectives and goals, and specific actions, which ensure that Council meet the goals.

What is vector control interventions?

Vector control is a highly effective way to reduce malaria transmission and is a vital component of malaria control and elimination strategies. WHO currently recommends deployment of either insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) or indoor residual spraying (IRS) for malaria vector control in most areas at risk of malaria.

Why is vector control necessary?

Vector control is crucial to reduce the incidence of infection from diseases; this is especially important for those for which there is currently no effective cure or preventive medical measures available, such as Dengue, West Nile virus and Chikungunya virus.

How are vector-borne controlled?

1. Ensure your vaccinations are up to date for diseases prevalent in the area. 2. Wear light-coloured, long-sleeved shirts and long trousers, tucked into socks or boots, and use insect repellent on exposed skin and clothing to protect yourself from being bitten by mosquitoes, sandflies or ticks.

How can we prevent water borne and vector-borne disease?

Practice good personal hygiene.

  1. Wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet, changing a diaper or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet, and before and after tending to someone who is ill with diarrhea.
  2. Wash hands after handling animals, contact with animal quarters, cleaning up animal feces, or gardening.

What is the best mosquito control method?

Here are the top ways to repel mosquitoes that have already hunkered down in your home.

  • Chemical repellent. Applying traditional chemical mosquito repellent will keep them from biting you.
  • Fix any gaps.
  • Mosquito netting.
  • Mosquito traps.
  • Oscillating fans.
  • Outdoor soap.
  • Essential oils.
  • Coconut oil and neem oil.

What are 3 common methods to control mosquitoes?

What is the purpose of Integrated vector management?

Integrated vector management (IVM) is a rational decision-making process to optimize the use of resources for vector control. The aim of the IVM approach is to contribute to achievement of the global targets set for vector-borne disease control, by making vector control more efficient, cost effective, ecologically sound and sustainable.

What are some of the most effective noise control measures?

Some administrative measures include: increasing the distance between noise sources and workers the further away the noise source is, the less harmful its effect on workers will be minimising the number of individuals working in a noisy area keeping individuals out of the area if their job does not require them to be there

How to improve the performance of vector control programs?

Read reports from local vector control programs using the Environmental Public Health Performance Standards to improve their performance (produced in collaboration with CDC) Find tools and resources for program improvement activities that align with the 10 Essential Environmental Public Health Services (produced in collaboration with CDC).

What does IVM stand for in vector control?

Integrated vector management (IVM) is a rational decision-making process to optimize the use of resources for vector control. This manual has been attempted as operational framework to guide implementers of vector-borne disease control programmes in planning more efficiently.

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