Where does the pilot sit in an attack helicopter?

Where does the pilot sit in an attack helicopter?

The pilot sits in the rear section, and the co-pilot/gunner sits in the front section. As you might expect, the pilot maneuvers the helicopter and the gunner aims and fires the weapons. Both sections of the cockpit include flight and firing controls in case one pilot needs to take over full operation.

Can the Apache gunner fly the helicopter?

Overview. The AH-64 Apache has a four-blade main rotor and a four-blade tail rotor. The crew sits in tandem, with the pilot sitting behind and above the co-pilot/gunner. Both crew members are capable of flying the aircraft and performing methods of weapon engagements independently.

Can you fly the Apache from the front seat?

The pilots sit one behind the other. You can fly the aircraft from both seats, but on operations in Afghanistan, the mission commander tends to sit in the front seat to operate the sights, sensors and weapon systems, with the second pilot flying from the back seat, which has slightly better visibility.

Is flying an Apache hard?

As the most technically advanced helicopter in the world, the Apache AH Mk1 was also the hardest to fly…. It took six months just to learn how to fly the machine, another six to know how to fight in it, and a final six to be passed combat ready.

How effective are attack helicopters?

Some attack helicopters are also capable of carrying air-to-air missiles, though mostly for purposes of self-defense against other helicopters and low-flying light combat aircraft. In combat, an attack helicopter is projected to destroy targets worth around 17 times its own production cost before being destroyed.

Are helicopters armored?

Equipment. Most military helicopters are armoured to some extent; however, all equipment is limited to the installed power and lift capability and the limits installed equipment places on useful payload. The most extensive armour is placed around the pilots, engines, transmission, and fuel tanks.

How much is an Apache helicopter worth?

Apache attack helicopters and weapons: $930 million price tag is unreal.

Why do Apaches have two pilots?

The apache requires two pilots. You leave flight school and you are a PI and always will fly with a PC. Your commander makes you a PC when/if he decides you can do the job. Once you are a PC you may still fly as a PI with another PC.

Why does the Apache have two pilots?

What is an Apache pilot?

Army officers who fly Apache helicopters are known as aviation officers. Depending on the type of helicopter and the specific mission, Army helicopters, such as the Chinook, may transport troops or supplies, or, in the case of the Apache, they may fly combat missions.

Do Apache pilots carry guns?

Typically, they don’t fly with any weapons. Most soldiers simply aren’t armed unless they are on security details or in a combat area of operations. However, if they are on a combat mission, Apache pilots carry an M4 each, strapped into a rack beside his or her seat.

What kind of helicopter is an attack helicopter?

An attack helicopter is an armed helicopter with the primary role of an attack aircraft, with the capability of engaging targets on the ground, such as enemy infantry and armored fighting vehicles. Due to their heavy armament they are sometimes called helicopter gunships .

Which is the fastest helicopter in the world?

It is still one of the fastest helicopters in the world despite it’s 50 year old design. The Mi-24 has a tandem cockpit for a pilot and weapon systems officer, with room for an optional technician. It can carry 8 soldiers or 4 stretchers. It can also carry an external sling with over 5,000 lbs of cargo.

Why was the helicopter important in World War 2?

Able to quickly move about the battlefield and launch fleeting “pop-up attacks”, helicopters presented a major threat even with the presence of organic air defenses. The helicopter gunship became a major tool against tank warfare, and most attack helicopters became more and more optimized for the antitank mission.

Who was the designer of the Mi-24 attack helicopter?

Russian aerospace engineer Mikhail Mil (Russian: Михаил Леонтьевич Миль) envisioned an aircraft that could serve in a transport, support and attack role. He submitted designs and mock-ups and although he was rejected on a few occasions, he was eventually able to get his concept into development.

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