What is a fund code Navy?

What is a fund code Navy?

Fund codes are two position alpha/numeric codes used in conjunction with Service or Agency Code of the billed office to designate the billing method (interfund or noninterfund). When interfund billing is indicated, the fund code also indicates the fund account to be charged (disbursed) or credited (refunded).

What is a fund code?

Overview. A Fund code is a value that identifies the source and intended purpose of monies and how they should be spent.

What are appropriation fund codes?

Definition: Appropriation Accounts are the specific designation of Federal Government funds as contained in an Appropriations Act passed by Congress and signed into law by President with each account having a unique four-digit code.

What are the major DoD Appropriations categories?

DoD receives many appropriations, most of which can be grouped into the five major categories: Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E); Procurement; Operation and Maintenance (O&M); Military Personnel (MILPERS); and Military Construction (MILCON).

How do you find the fund code?

Fund codes are located on the fund fact sheet and are typically 4-5 letters long.

What appropriation is 97X4930?

A. Treasury Fund Symbol. The DWCF are established under the authority of Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2208. The Treasury Account Symbol for the DWCF is 97X4930.

How do I find my fund code?

Which appropriation is RDT&E?

RDT&E Appropriations Under Title IV Approximately 97% of DOD’s RDT&E funding is appropriated in Title IV (Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation), which includes appropriations for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, a Defense-wide RDT&E account, and the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation.

WHAT CAN 3010 funding be used for?

Summary: In limited scenarios, AF 3010 funding can be used for the development of modification “kits” for trainers. However, with a few exceptions, AF 3010 funding should be used for the purchase and installation of modification “kits” for trainers.

What is DoD color of money?

The term “Color of Money” is uses in the DoD to refer to an Appropriation Category for a DoD financial account. The type of account can range from Procurement, Research and Development (R&D), Operations and Maintenance (O&M), and others. Each category is considered to be a different color of money.

Where can I find fund Cusip?

It might be on the fund home page or in a document such as a prospectus. You can also search for the CUSIP on a financial news and information site or via a brokerage.

What is a fund number?

Fund numbers consist of five digits ranging from 00001-89999 and must be assigned by the Accounting Office. The fund number is used to account for assets, liabilities, net assets, revenues, expenses, and transfers related to a particular source or activity.

Who is responsible for maintaining DoD fund codes?

Agency designated Fund Code Coordinators are responsible for maintaining fund codes for their Service or Agency. With the exception of DLA, which has its own coordinator, Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) maintains fund codes for DoD Organizations and Agencies. Fund code coordinators are identified in Volume 4 of the DLMS Manual.

Where is the fund code to fund account conversion?

The fund code to fund account conversion is prescribed in the MILSBILLS procedures fund code appendix of DLM 4000.25, Volume 4, Finance. AP2.11.2.

Where are the fund codes in Appendix 2.11?

APPENDIX 2.11 FUND CODES AP2.11.1. Fund codes (located in rp 52-53 of transactions) are two-position alpha/numeric codes used with the Service or Agency code of the billed office to designate the billing method (interfund or noninterfund).

When to use the DoDaac for a fund code?

An additional use for the fund code is to indicate the DoDAAC of the “bill-to” office when the Signal Code is C or L. The conversion of fund code to billed office DoD activity address code (DoDAAC) conversion is prescribed in the fund code appendix of DLM 4000.25, Volume 4, Finance.

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