Can you royal oppression a Jinzo?

Can you royal oppression a Jinzo?

Royal Oppression: If “Royal Oppression” is face-up on the field, and “Monster Reborn” is activated to Special Summon “Jinzo”, you can activate the effect of “Royal Oppression” in a chain to negate the Special Summon because “Jinzo” is not on the field until the chain resolves.

Can you Judgement Jinzo?

Jinzo hits the field and opponent CANNOT activate TRAPS. With this reasoning Solemn Judgment cannot be activated because it is a TRAP card.

Can you floodgate Jinzo?

Floodgate Trap Hole affects cards like Red Eyes Slash Dragon and Blue Eyes Chaos Max Dragon that are immune to targeting of card effects from spell/traps and monster effects. It however doesn’t work on cards like Jinzo that prevent trap cards from activating or Sorcerer of Dark Magic that negates trap card effects.

Can you chain trap hole to Jinzo?

Jinzo prevents the activation of traps so you cant use the bottomless traphole therefore it won’t be negated. However a card such as solemn warning can be used to negate jinzo’s summon , because jinzo is not considered to have hit the field meaning he cant negate it.

Does jinzo negate royal decree?

Neither “Jinzo” nor “Royal Decree” can negate the effect and prevent “Speed Warrior” from being Summoned.

Does jinzo destroy continuous traps?

Jinzo does not destroy any Trap cards, he prevents the players from activating them and negates all Trap effects on the field.

Can you chain royal decree to mirror force?

The Chain resolves backwards. “Mystical Space Typhoon” destroys “Royal Decree”, “Mirror Force” than [sic] resolves and destroys all Attack Position monsters the opponent controls. Since “Royal Decree” is no longer face-up when “Mirror Force” resolves, it will not negate the effect of “Mirror Force”.

Does Royal Decree stop infinite impermanence?

If you activate “Infinite Impermanence” while “Royal Decree” is active, the effect of “Infinite Impermanence” is negated.

Can you chain Royal Decree to mirror force?

Are there any BPT 011 Secret Rare jinzos?

The BPT-011 Secret rare Jinzos are all Limited, even if it doesn’t say so on the card. The bottom line- I received a Limited Edition Jinzo in amazing condition, it looks as if the tin was opened yesterday. I highly recommend Alternate Universes and would do business with them again. Bye Bye trap cards!!

What happens when a Jinzo is declared by Prohibition?

Prohibition: If ” Jinzo ” is declared by ” Prohibition “, the effect of a ” Jinzo ” that is already on the field is still applied. If a ” Jinzo ” is Special Summoned, it “cannot be used”, so the effects of Trap Cards are not negated and Trap Cards can be activated.

Can a Jinzo prevent speed warrior from being summoned?

The effect of ” Limiter Overload ” activates in the Graveyard, so ” Jinzo ” cannot prevent it from being activated. Neither ” Jinzo ” nor ” Royal Decree ” can negate the effect and prevent ” Speed Warrior ” from being Summoned.

Can you use trap hole and torrential tribute on Jinzo?

When ” Jinzo ” is Tribute Summoned, cards like ” Trap Hole ” and ” Torrential Tribute ” cannot be activated because ” Jinzo ‘s” Continuous Effect is applied when it is Summoned, but you can negate its Summon with ” Solemn Judgment “, ” Horn of Heaven “, etc.

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