What skirting means?

What skirting means?

1 : to form or run along the border or edge of : border. 2a : to provide a skirt for. b : to furnish a border or shield for. 3a : to go or pass around or about specifically : to go around or keep away from in order to avoid danger or discovery.

What is a word for hiding the truth?

While the noun prevarication is mostly just a fancy way to say “lie,” it can also mean skirting around the truth, being vague about the truth, or even delaying giving someone an answer, especially to avoid telling them the whole truth.

What does skirting around mean?

to go around the edge of something: Take the road which skirts (round) the town, not the one which goes through it. to avoid discussing a subject or problem, usually because there are difficulties that you do not want to deal with: The government has been accused of skirting round the issue of torture.

What does it mean to skirt the law?

Today’s expression is “skirt the issue.” To skirt the issue means to avoid talking about a complex or awkward topic. Law & Order didn’t ignore the issue completely, but they did skirt the issue.

Why is it called skirting?

The term skirting boards was first mentioned in the Victorian era where rich individuals were trying to keep up the grand designs of their houses. At that time walls were made from bricks and heat used to be a huge problem. Plaster finishes at the bottom of walls also varied in quality too.

What is the purpose of skirting?

A more functional purpose of skirting boards is to act as protection for the wall from abrasion, accidental knocks from furniture, wear and tear, and so on. They can also be used to hide unsightly wall or floor edges which may be uneven and untidy.

What does covering or concealing the truth mean?

vb tr. 1 to keep from discovery; hide. 2 to keep secret.

Is hiding the truth lying?

No it’s deception not lying. There are many methods of deception, lying being the most prominent. Lying is bad because it’s a form of deception. You can of course deceive someone into thinking the opposite of what’s true using entirely truthful statements, that doesn’t make it any better.

What is skirting used for?

Where did the word skirt come from?

The root of the English noun “skirt” is the Old Norse word “skyrta,” which is not very surprising, given that the Viking invasions of Britain that began in the 8th century left behind all sorts of words rooted in Old Norse.

What does it mean to fawn over something?

fawn implies seeking favor by servile flattery or exaggerated attention. waiters fawning over a celebrity toady suggests the attempt to ingratiate oneself by an abjectly menial or subservient attitude.

What is the use of skirting?

What is the meaning of the word skirting?

Often skirtings. low-grade wool and foreign matter removed from the outer edges of fleece. Also called skirting board .British. baseboard (def. 1). No fire engine reds here, only a fierce collection of vibrant words for the color red to test yourself on.

What does it mean to skirt around someone or something?

skirt around (someone or something) 1. To lie around the edge of something. The small creek skirting around the edge of our property has always been a source of fascination to our kids.

Which is an example of skirting the law?

Many people do this by skirting around the law by watching via satellite broadcasters from their own country. It is also only skirting the edges of the problem if we do not relate industrial training to manpower policy. Example from the Hansard archive.

What are the synonyms for the word skirt?

Synonyms for skirting. Synonyms. border, borderline, bound, boundary, brim, circumference, compass, confines, edge, edging, end, frame, fringe, hem, margin, perimeter, periphery, rim, skirt, verge.

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