Can fig leaves be used for tea?

Can fig leaves be used for tea? Dry fig leaves can be used as a tea just as you normally brew tea leaves. You can also use the fresh leaves. Boil them up for 15 minutes and strain. Cook up fig leaves in lightly salted water for 20 minutes or until tender, then use as […]

What icing do you put under fondant?

What icing do you put under fondant? Fondant is usually applied on top of a thick layer of buttercream. Buttercream is essential to the fondant’s success. By smoothing any irregularities on the cake’s surface, binding up loose crumbs, and concealing the cake’s color, this layer of buttercream contributes significantly to the final appearance of the […]

How do you value oil reserves?

How do you value oil reserves? For financial reporting purposes, the primary method for valuing reserves is the income approach via the discounted cash flow method, whereas unevaluated acreage is typically valued using the market approach via the comparable transaction method. How are oil and gas companies valued? The most common and widely accepted method […]

Which day of Whole30 is the hardest?

Which day of Whole30 is the hardest? Days 10-11: The Hardest Days. Fact: you are most likely to quit your Whole30 program on Day 10 or 11. By this point, the newness of the program has worn off. You’ve made it through most of the unpleasant physical milestones, but you’ve yet to experience any of […]

Is flow mediated dilation good?

Is flow mediated dilation good? Improved FMD results in greater perfusion and oxygen supply to peripheral tissue. An Israeli study of 618 healthy subjects found FMD to be an excellent predictor of long-term adverse cardiovascular events. What does FMD measure? FMD is the measurement of transient changes in brachial artery diameter in response to shear […]

Is 6D a professional camera?

Is 6D a professional camera? The EOS 6D captures HD video with a level of sophistication on par with professional movie cameras, offering phenomenal performance on a DSLR. Is Canon 6D good for photography? As Canon’s first budget-friendly full-frame camera, the Canon 6D quickly became a popular choice among many photographers, thanks to its excellent […]

Is mashing the same as steeping?

Is mashing the same as steeping? While the main focus of mashing is to breakdown starch into fermentable sugars, steeping on the other hand is primarily used to extract colour and flavour. In most instances steeping is carried out before adding malt extract to the beer. Can you mash steeping grains? 4 Answers. Some specialty […]

How many Asian elephants have been poached?

How many Asian elephants have been poached? Reports from the government of Myanmar show that poaching is on the rise in the country. During 2016, 25 elephants were poached. In the preceding five years combined, 61 elephants had been poached. But before this study, poaching was not considered the greatest threat to the species. How […]

How do you demonstrate a pulse rate?

How do you demonstrate a pulse rate? You can easily check your pulse on the inside of your wrist, below your thumb. Gently place 2 fingers of your other hand on this artery. Do not use your thumb because it has its own pulse that you may feel. Count the beats for 30 seconds; then […]

What should I put in my RV kitchen?

What should I put in my RV kitchen? RV Kitchen Staples Propane or Fuel. Lighter or Matches. Pots (small, medium and large) Pans (1 medium frying pan) Cast Iron Skillet or Dutch Oven. Pot Holder or Pot Grabber. Plates and Bowls. Drinking Glasses. How do you secure kitchen items in an RV? Tips for keeping […]

Does the Galaxy Note 2 have wireless charging?

Does the Galaxy Note 2 have wireless charging? The Note II is thus fully equipped for Qi wireless charging wherever you may go. Can you wireless charge with NFC? The NFC Forum recently approved the Wireless Charging Specification (WLC), that enables wireless charging capabilities of Near-Field Communication (NFC) chips. The WLC allows both the communication […]

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