Is 72 years old considered old?

Is 72 years old considered old? In America, one researcher found that you are considered old at 70 to 71 years of age for men and 73 to 73 for women. Now, however, with an unexpected boom in people over the age of 65, you are considered old when you reach the age of 70. […]

What do you learn from being an RA?

What do you learn from being an RA? Learning Time Management Skills Being an RA is a huge responsibility and a major time commitment. When you become an RA, you learn to juggle and prioritize your activities. This can serve you well in other situations, like working in your chosen career path or going to […]

What should I write my persuasive essay about?

What should I write my persuasive essay about? Educational persuasive essay topicsShould soda be offered in school cafeterias?Should schools teach abstinence-only education?Why should schools teach financial literacy?Do all students need to go to college?Should students take a gap year after high school?Do all students need to learn a foreign language? How do you talk to […]

How do I come up with a thesis statement?

How do I come up with a thesis statement? A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay. It usually comes near the end of your introduction….Follow these three steps to come up with a thesis:Ask a question about your topic.Write your initial answer.Develop your answer and […]

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