How do you get your points across in writing?

How do you get your points across in writing? The solution in three steps:Get to the point, fast. The first step is to form a tightly focused message in your mind before you start to speak. Back up your argument with power words. Leading into your subject is an art. Hit the pause button. Don’t […]

What is the impact of science and technology on environment?

What is the impact of science and technology on environment? Other detrimental effects include diseases such as typhoid and cholera, eutrophication and the destruction of ecosystems which negatively affects the food chain. Resource depletion is another negative impact of technology on the environment. It refers to the consumption of a resource faster than it can […]

How do you start a National Junior Honor Society essay?

How do you start a National Junior Honor Society essay? How to Write the National Junior Honor Society essay introductionStart by planning your essay. Highlight all academic achievements. Highlight your leadership qualities. State records of your service. Highlight your awesome character. Are you a good citizen? Review the essay. What To Cover In NJHS Essay. […]

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