What is an evaluative summary?

What is an evaluative summary? An evaluative summary includes your own opinion of the text (this is different to other summaries). In your evaluation you critically evaluate the material that you are reading. Make sure that you understand the text before writing your evaluative summary! What are the parts of an evaluative essay? Judgment, Criteria, […]

How many emotions can you name?

How many emotions can you name? Based on his theory, Ekman proposed that there are seven emotional expressions universal to people all over the world: happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, anger, disgust, and contempt. What emotions do humans feel? The most widely studied types of emotion—anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness—are the main characters in the […]

Does Descartes find anything to be certain about?

Does Descartes find anything to be certain about? Most of meditation II is devoted to discovering whether there is anything about which Descartes can be absolutely certain. First he decides he can be certain that he exists, because if he doubts, there must be a thinking mind to do the doubting. The answer is that […]

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