What is a sensitizing concept in research?

What is a sensitizing concept in research?

Sensitizing concepts are constructs that are derived from the research participants’ perspective, using their language or expressions, and that sensitize the researcher to possible lines of inquiry.

What are definitive concepts?

Definitive concepts are are defined in a fairly narrow, precise and clear manner. They give very clear prescriptions of what to look for in a research situation. The distinction between definitive and sensitizing concepts is in some way indicative of distinctive and contrasting methodologies in social science research.

What is grounded theory in qualitative research?

“Grounded theory refers to a set of systematic inductive methods for conducting qualitative research aimed toward theory development. These analyses provide focused, abstract, conceptual theories that explain the studied empirical phenomena.

What is theoretical sampling in research?

Theoretical sampling is a form of sampling in qualitative research that is not bounded by the limits of a priori selection. Rather, theoretical sampling entails jointly collecting and analyzing data to decide what data to collect next and where to find them to develop theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967/2012).

What is the definition of sensitizing?

transitive verb. : to make sensitive or hypersensitive. intransitive verb. : to become sensitive.

What are the four criteria for Lincoln and Guba’s concept of trustworthiness?

In establishing trustworthiness, Lincoln and Guba created stringent criteria in qualitative research, known as credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability [17–20]. This is referred in this article as “the Four-Dimensions Criteria” (FDC).

What is sensitizing ability in the context of a theory?

Sensitizing Ability: (QL.C) refers to focusing people’s attention on a new, or even forgotten, direction of inquiry, or perhaps suggesting a different way of looking at an interpreting a fact they already know. -*The Sensitizing theory serves to reacquaint criminologists with other facets of the problem.

What are the different types of grounded theory?

Realistically there are several main types of grounded theory:

  • Classical (CGT)
  • Modified (Straussian)
  • Constructivist.
  • Feminist.
  • Post-modern.

How do you write a grounded theory methodology?

Steps for grounded theory

  1. Determine initial research questions.
  2. Recruit and collect data (theoretical sampling)
  3. Break transcripts into excerpts (open coding)
  4. Group excerpts into codes (open coding)
  5. Group codes into categories (axial coding)
  6. Analyze more excerpts and compare with codes.

What is theory or concept sampling?

Theoretical sampling is a process of data collection for generating theory whereby the analyst jointly collects codes and analyses data and decides what data to collect next and where to find them, in order to develop a theory as it emerges.

What are theoretical ideas?

Something theoretical is concerned with theories and hypotheses — it’s not necessarily based on real life or meant to be applied to real life. Theoretical things are based on theory and ideas, while practical ones are based on practice.

What is sensitizer in chemistry?

A sensitizer is defined by OSHA as “a chemical that causes a substantial proportion of exposed people or animals to develop an allergic reaction in normal tissue after repeated exposure to the chemical.” The condition of being sensitized to a chemical is called chemical hypersensitivity.

Which is the best definition of the sensitizing concept?

sensitizing concept. any sociological concept which, in contrast with fully operationalized or ‘definitive concepts’, ‘merely suggests directions along which to look’ (BLUMER, 1954).

Can a sensitizing concept be tested or refined?

Sensitizing concepts can be tested, improv ed, and refined (Blumer, 1954). However, researchers t aking the grounded theory path do not necessarily seek to test, improve, or refine such a concep t. They might use sensitizing concepts simply to lay the foundation for the analysis of research data.

How are sensitizing concepts different from definitive con Cepts?

A sensitizing concept lack s such directly to the instance and its relevant con tent. Instead, it gives the user a general sense of reference and guidance in approaching em pirical instances. Whereas definitive con cepts provide

Why are sensitizing concepts important to grounded theory?

Sensitizing concepts provide starting points for build-ing analysis to produce a grounded theory. As a re-search approach, grounded theory is appropriate foridentifying and explaining social processes. Sensi-tizing concepts give the researcher a sense of how ob-served instances of a phenomenon might fit within

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