How is maximum sustainable yield determined?

How is maximum sustainable yield determined?

If stock size is maintained at half its carrying capacity, the population growth rate is fastest, and sustainable yield is greatest (Maximum Sustainable Yield). K = unfished stock biomass at carrying capacity r = intrinsic rate of stock growth.

What is sustainable yield in environmental science?

The term sustainable yield refers to the harvest of a specific (self-renewing) natural resource—for example, timber or fish. Such a yield is one that can in principle be maintained indefinitely because it can be supported by the regenerative capacities of the underlying natural system. A sustainable society…

What is maximum sustainability?

Maximum sustainable yield (or MSY) is the maximum catch that can be extracted from a fish or other population in the long term. Given that the term was coined before WWII, one could say that fisheries scientists thought about sustainability way before it became fashionable, but they did not have sustainability in mind.

What is the difference between the maximum sustainable yield and the maximum economic yield?

In fisheries terms, maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is the largest average catch that can be captured from a stock under existing environmental conditions. Relating to MSY, the maximum economic yield (MEY) is the level of catch that provides the maximum net economic benefits or profits to society.

What is maximum sustainable yield quizlet?

maximum sustainable yield. The maximum usable production of a biological resource that can be obtained in a specified time period without decreasing the ability of the resource to sustain that level of production. maximum sustainable-yield population.

What is the meaning of sustainable yield?

The sustainable yield of renewable natural resources is traditionally defined as the extraction level of the resource which does not exceed the growth. Context: The sustainable yield refers to total fellings and not only to timber removed for own consumption and use. …

How do you find maximum yield in economics?

Maximum Economic Yield (MEY) largest difference between (discounted) total revenues and the total costs of fishing.

What is the difference between MSY maximum sustainable yield and Mey maximum economic yield )?

What does sustained yield mean?

Definition of sustained yield. : production of a biological resource (such as timber or fish) under management procedures which ensure replacement of the part harvested by regrowth or reproduction before another harvest occurs.

What is maximum yield?

Maximum yield is a common expression used by all levels of gardeners who are striving towards the highest plant production levels possible. Maximum yield encompasses things like faster plant growth and maturation, larger yields of fruits/vegetables, and longer production cycles,…

What is max yield?

Maximum Yield. Definition – What does Maximum Yield mean? Maximum yield refers to a plant’s maximum amount of crop output or produce production. Maximum yield is a common expression used by all levels of gardeners who are striving towards the highest plant production levels possible.

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