What is scrophularia Scorodonia?

What is scrophularia Scorodonia?

Scrophularia scorodonia is a species of flowering plant belonging to the family Scrophulariaceae. Its native range is Azores, Southwestern Europe, Morocco.

What is Scrophularia used for?

(Radix Scrophulariae ningpoensis, RSN, Ningpo figwart, Scrophulariaceae) are commonly used as tea in Traditional Chinese Medicine [1]. Known for its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, RSN is widely used for the treatment of laryngitis, fever, swelling, constipation and neuritis [2,3].

What is a Scrofula plant?

The genus Scrophularia of the family Scrophulariaceae comprises about 200 species of herbaceous flowering plants commonly known as figworts. The name Scrophularia comes from scrofula, a form of tuberculosis, because several species have been used in herbal medicine for this disease.

What are side effects of drinking figwort tea?

High blood pressure. Itching. Scaly, itchy skin (psoriasis). Skin rash caused by sun exposure (polymorphous light eruption or PMLE).

How do you use figwort?

Figwort is an herb. The whole plant is used to make medicine. People take figwort as a “water pill” to relieve bloating by increasing urine production. Figwort is sometimes applied directly to the skin for skin conditions such as eczema, itching, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, swelling, and rash.

Can you eat figwort?

The leaves, tubers, and flowers of the plant exude an unpleasant smell that may be responsible for attracting these wasps, while making it unpalatable to humans and animals. Still, the root is considered edible despite its repelling taste, having once been used as a food for famine in ancient times.

What is scrophularia Nodosa homeopathic?

SBL Scrophularia Nodosa Mother Tincture is a homeopathic medicine which is a natural formulated remedy for tumours and skin problems. The authenticity of raw materials and its formulation methods makes it efficient to use.

How do you identify a figwort?

The Figworts and their allies typically have irregular, bisexual flowers with 5 united sepals and 5 united petals (sometimes 4 of each), usually 2-lipped with 2 lobes up and 3 lobes down. There are 4 or 5 stamens, often in two pairs, plus a shortened fifth stamen.

What does figwort look like?

The figwort can be quite tall (up to 80 cm, or perhaps more in ‘ideal’ conditions). It has an ‘angled’ or square stem (in cross section). The leaves arise as opposite pairs and are oval and pointed. The leaves have short stalks (petioles) and are clearly toothed.

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