What is attribute of applet?

What is attribute of applet?

Specific Attributes

Attribute Value Description
archive URL Applet path when it is stored in a Java Archive ie. jar file
code URL A URL that points to the class of the applet
codebase URL Indicates the base URL of the applet if the code attribute is relative
height pixels Height to display the applet

What are the attributes of applet tag in HTML?

Attributes: This tag accepts the following attributes:

  • align: Specifies the alignment of an applet.
  • alt: Specifies an alternate text for an applet.
  • archive: Specifies the location of an archive file.
  • border: Specifies the border around the applet panel.

Which attribute is not available with applet tag?

ALT. This tag is used to specify the text message that will be displayed in a situation when the browser has recognized the applet tag but it still cannot load the applet. This is an optional attribute in tag.

What are the attribute of tag in Java?

There are three types of attributes: Simple attributes. Fragment attributes. Dynamic attributes.

What is an applet explain with an example?

An applet is a Java program that can be embedded into a web page. It runs inside the web browser and works at client side. An applet is embedded in an HTML page using the APPLET or OBJECT tag and hosted on a web server. Applets are used to make the website more dynamic and entertaining.

What is the use of applets?

Java applets are used to provide interactive features to web applications and can be executed by browsers for many platforms. They are small, portable Java programs embedded in HTML pages and can run automatically when the pages are viewed. Malware authors have used Java applets as a vehicle for attack.

Which attribute of applet tag is used to define .class file?

The code attribute specifies the class file from which the applet is loaded; the object attribute specifies a serialized representation of an applet.

What is a attribute in Java?

An attribute is another term for a field. It’s typically a public constant or a public variable that can be accessed directly. In this particular case, the array in Java is actually an object and you are accessing the public constant value that represents the length of the array.

What is the code attribute in Java applet?

Attributes: The tag takes a number of attributes, with one of the most important being the code attribute. This code attribute is used to link a Java applet to the concerned HTML document. It specifies the file name of the Java applet.

What are the mandatory attributes for an applet?

The only mandatory attributes are code, width, and height. Each attribute is described below. This optional attribute specifies the base URL of the applet: the directory that contains the applet’s code. If this attribute is not specified, then the document’s URL is used.

What does the alt attribute in applet mean?

When searching for classes, a browser checks the files listed in the archives attribute before searching any other locations on the server. The alt attribute specifies alternate text that is displayed by browsers that understand the tag and its attributes, but can’t actually run applets.

What do you need to know about applet tag?

Three attributes are required in the tag. Two of these attributes, width and height, specify the space the applet occupies on the screen. The third required attribute may be either code or object; you must supply one of these attributes, and you can’t specify both.

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