How long do banded shrimp live?

How long do banded shrimp live?

2 to 3 years
The Coral Banded Shrimp may live 2 to 3 years, sometimes longer.

Can coral banded shrimp live with cleaner shrimp?

Registered. Coral banded shrimp should not be kept with more than one of the same kind. They would kill each other, as well as the cleaner.

Are banded shrimp reef safe?

They can be kept with corals and other inverts. But they can and sometimes will pinch/tear up corals as well as anemones. Some say they are reef safe but they are not really considered a good choice for any mixed or reef tanks.

Can I have 2 coral banded shrimp?

The coral Banded shrimp cna nip and eat corals, both of the two should not be kept together as the coral banded wont tolerate another of its kind. Smaller shrimp can become food. LaloV. Coral banded shrimp are very agressive, they can harass and even kill other type or shrimp.

What do you feed coral banded shrimp?

Coral banded shrimp are omnivores, meaning they can eat anything. They will eat meat (pieces of fish, shrimp, squids, shellfish, etc.), flakes, pellets – it really does not matter. Try to give them a variety of food ranging from flake food as well as frozen or live food.

Can coral banded shrimp live with peppermint shrimp?

Registered. Coral Banded Shrimp will get 2 or 3 times the size of a Peppermint. Have had both over the years. Had 4 Peppermint shrimps at once and it was cool because they were like a pack that would come out and work across the tank together.

Will coral banded shrimp eat peppermint shrimp?

Coral Banded Shrimp are extremely aggressive toward other shrimp. They will even attack your hermit crabs and snails. If he is a large shrimp he probably just murdered your peppermint. They are great for eating bristle worms.

How do you feed coral banded shrimp?

Do coral banded shrimp arms grow back?

Yes! As long as the water qualities good he should regrow that arm fully after a molt or two.

Do you need to feed coral banded shrimp?

Feeding Coral Banded Shrimp That way they will get all the necessary microelements. Feed them at least three times a week and you should be fine. Do not let them be hungry. Otherwise, the level of aggression in the tank will skyrocket and they will go after fish, snails, and other shrimp.

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