What do the Scientologists believe?

What do the Scientologists believe?

Among the basic tenets of Scientology are the beliefs that human beings are immortal, that a person’s life experience transcends a single lifetime, and that human beings possess infinite capabilities. Scientology presents two major divisions of the mind.

What does ot8 mean?

OT VIII or OT 8 (Operating Thetan Level 8) is the highest current auditing level in Scientology.

What is bias wrecker?

Bias/Bias Wrecker Meanwhile, a “bias wrecker” is a member who unexpectedly catches a fan’s attention and makes them rethink their original bias. Example: “I picked him as my bias because he’s really good at dancing, but their vocalist might be my bias wrecker.”

What is OT fan?

People who were first exposed to Star Wars through the original trilogy (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return Of The Jedi) had to wait fifteen years for a new film. I call these the OT fans (Original Trilogy).

What do the OT levels mean in Scientology?

OT Levels are part of “The Bridge”, which is the set of ranks within Scientology. After having removed one’s own “reactive mind” and thus attaining the state of “Clear”, Scientologists may then go on to the OT levels.

How does the clear work in the Scientology world?

The Clear learns about the catastrophic event that placed body thetans on Earth and deprived them of their operating abilities. The Clear is trained to audit the thetans inhabiting his or her own body regarding this incident. OT IV; the Operating Thetan drug rundown.

Which is the highest state of thetan in Scientology?

Scientology doctrine defines OT as the “highest state there is”. Operating Thetan is described within Scientology as a state of godliness, and Scientologists are taught they will have godlike control over “matter, energy, space and time” (known in Scientology jargon as (MEST)).

What’s the purpose of OT VII in Scientology?

Old OT VII was projection of intention and polish up for a few more ‘thou…and you thought shouting was all you needed to project your intention. “A series of processes, drills, and training steps directed at intention. Replaced by New OT VII: the purpose of this level is the further ridding of body thetans.

Do Scientologists pay the church?

In addition, Church of Scientology franchises/missions, pay the Church roughly 10% of their gross income. The Church charges for auditing and other Church-related courses required for advancing through the ranks of Scientology. These programs can run to tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Can a Scientologist marry a non Scientologist?

You don’t have to convert to Scientology in order to marry. One big caveat to this point: You’re allowed to marry someone who hasn’t joined Scientology just as long as they’re not a “Suppressive Person.” That is, someone who actively doesn’t agree with Scientology.

Can Scientologists get divorced?

“That’s between two individuals, just like anybody of any religion getting divorced,” she said, adding, “There’s no ceremony recognizing divorce in the Church of Scientology.” But according to former church members, couples are sometimes reportedly pressured to use in-house divorce lawyers.

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