What is beta cyclodextrin used for?

What is beta cyclodextrin used for?

Cyclodextrins, and expecially beta ones, are widely used in the pharmaceutical field for their ability of improving the solubility and the stability of drugs by complex formation at the solid state.

Is hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin toxic?

HP-beta-CD has been shown to be well tolerated in humans, with the main adverse event being diarrhoea and there have been no adverse events on kidney function, documented to date.

What is hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin?

2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) is a chemically modified cyclic oligosaccharide produced from starch that is commonly used as an excipient. Although HP-β-CD has been suggested as a potential adjuvant for vaccines, its immunological properties and mechanism of action have yet to be characterized.

What is captisol used for?

Captisol® has been used quite successfully in solid formulations to assist in solubilization, dissolution and improved absorption.

Is beta cyclodextrin safe?

Concentrations up to 0.1% of α-, β-, and γ-cyclodextrins are considered safe. Studies on antigenicity, mutagenicity, and topical irritation have proven that HP-β-CD is as safe as materials currently being used in perfumes and cosmetics.

Is cyclodextrin safe for humans?

Cyclodextrins alone are poorly absorbed transdermally, but in combination with absorption-promoting agents, they are able to permeate the skin by 12%, 43%, and 53% for β-CD, RM-β-CD, and HP-β-CD, respectively. Concentrations up to 0.1% of α-, β-, and γ-cyclodextrins are considered safe.

What is 2 hydroxypropyl B cyclodextrin used for?

2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CyD) is a cyclic oligosaccharide that is widely used as an enabling excipient in pharmaceutical formulations, but also as a cholesterol modifier.

What is 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin used for?

What does 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin Hbcd do?

2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) is a cyclic oligosaccharide containing seven D-(+)-glucopyranose units that is widely used to improve the aqueous solubility of various compounds, especially those containing a phenyl group.

Who makes captisol?

Captisol® is a patented cyclodextrin for use in drug development and formulation. FDA-approved, Captisol-enabled® medications are marketed by partners including Amgen, Pfizer, Merck & Co., Melinta Therapeutics, Acrotech Biopharma L.L.C. and Baxter International.

What is beta cyclodextrin?

β-Cyclodextrin is a cyclic oligosaccharide consisting of seven glucose subunits joined by α-(1,4) glycosidic bonds forming a truncated conical structure. It is widely used in food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and chemicals industries.

Can cyclodextrin remove plaque from arteries?

An international team has now found that cyclodextrin dissolves cholesterol crystals and reduces atherosclerotic plaques. This is a promising therapeutic approach for treating atherosclerosis. Their find was published in Science Translational Medicine.

How is Captisol-cyclodextrin designed to maximize safety?

Captisol® was designed to maximize safety by eliminating the potentially damaging effects produced by the parent beta-cyclodextrin. In-vitro experiments and in-vivo acute, subchronic and chronic toxicity studies have provided safety data to support the development and approval of Captisol® drug formulations in man.

What kind of drug is Captisol for research?

For research use only. Captisol (SBE-β-CD, Sulfobutylether-β-Cyclodextrin) is a novel, chemically modified cyclodextrin with a structure designed to optimize the solubility and stability of drugs.

Which is the trade name for ligand’s modified beta cyclodextrin?

Captisol ® is the trade name for Ligand’s modified beta-cyclodextrin technology. Several hundred of pre-clinical and clinical studies have been performed and indicate that Captisol ® is safe when administered parenterally or orally and does not exhibit the nephrotoxicity associated with beta-cyclodextrin.

When to use Sulfobutyl ether and methyl cyclodextrin?

Sulfobutyl ether β-cyclodextrin (Captisol(®) ) and methyl β-cyclodextrin enhance and stabilize fluorescence of aqueous indocyanine green As the only FDA-approved near-infrared fluorophore, indocyanine green (ICG) is commonly used to image vasculature in vivo.

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