Where is Larrakia country?

Where is Larrakia country?

Darwin region
What area is Larrakia Land? The Larrakia people are the traditional owners of the Darwin region. Our country runs from Cox peninsula in the west to Gunn Point in the north, Adelaide River in the east and down to the Manton Dam area southwards.

What is Larrakia?

The Larrakia people are an Aboriginal Australian people in and around Darwin in the Northern Territory. The Larrakia, who refer to themselves as “Saltwater People”, had a vibrant traditional society based on a close relationship with the sea and trade with neighbouring groups such as the Tiwi, Wadjiginy and Djerimanga.

What is the Larrakia name for Darwin?

The Larrakia, also referred to as ‘Saltwater people’, are the traditional owners of the lands and waters in and surrounding Darwin, including Darwin Harbour. To the Larrakia, Darwin is known as Garramilla. The original name of the language group now known as Larrakia is Gulumirrgin.

What is the Aboriginal name for Adelaide?

The Kaurna people (English: /ˈɡɑːnə/, Kaurna: [ɡ̊auɳa]; also Coorna, Kaura, Gaurna and other variations) are a group of Aboriginal people whose traditional lands include the Adelaide Plains of South Australia. They were known as the Adelaide tribe by the early settlers.

What language do the Larrakia people speak?

Laragiya language
The Laragiya language, also spelt Larrakia (deriving from Larrakia people), and also known as Gulumirrgin, is an Australian Aboriginal language spoken by just six people near the city of Darwin in northern Australia as of 1983. Only 14 people claimed to know the Laragiya language in 2016.

What is the name of the sacred place that the Larrakia peoples spirit comes from?

Many in Darwin know about ‘old man rock’ – the long, flat rock, visible from Casuarina beach at low tide. But to Larrakia people, ‘old man rock’ is not just a rock but an ancestral spirit that binds all Larrakia people together; Nungalinya.

What’s hello in Aboriginal?

Some of the most well known Aboriginal words for hello are: Kaya, which means hello in the Noongar language. Palya is a Pintupi language word used as a greeting much in the same way that two friends would say hello in English while Yaama is a Gamilaraay language word for hello used in Northern NSW.

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