Is the word peloton Spanish?

Is the word peloton Spanish?

In French, “peloton” literally means “ball,” but it is most often used with the meaning “group.” It’s frequently used in the bicycling context, just as in English, but it can also refer to a group in a marathon or other sporting event.

What does pelota mean in Spanish slang?

2 vulgar slang pelotas feminine plural. (testículos) balls vulgar slang.

What does Paleton mean in Spanish?

pa·le·tón. masculine. de la llave bit (of a key) diente front tooth.

How do cyclists pee?

Some riders stop at the side of the road to go for a pee. If the need to pee is only really affecting one rider, it’s common practice for the cross-legged individual to make their way to the front of the peloton before stopping off, to give themselves the longest possible window during which to empty their bladder.

What is the word pelting mean?

1a : to strike with a succession of blows or missiles pelted him with stones. b : to assail vigorously or persistently pelted her with accusations. 2 : hurl, throw pelted snowballs at them. 3 : to beat or dash repeatedly against hailstones pelting the roof. intransitive verb.

What does cajones mean slang?

: boldness or courage needed to do something. : a man’s testicles.

What is the difference between pelota and Balon?

balon: football, basketball,volleyball bola: every sport ball pelota: toy ball, but used for any type of playing ball as well So basically they’re all the same thing. Just use balon for soccer, volleyball and basketball only.

Do Tour de France riders poop?

So What Do They Do Now? Today, elite athletes will just poop their pants and continue on. And the best part is that most serious athletes (while knowing its a little icky) will understand the motivation behind not stopping.

What are pelters?

pelters in British English (ˈpɛltəz) plural noun. Scottish informal. strong criticism or verbal abuse. He conjured up the goal of his life but it brought nothing but pelters from his unimpressed team-mates.

What is pelted fur?

Pelting is when a long or curly coated dog’s hair is matted so tightly to their skin, that it restricts air flow and cannot be brushed through (think: one large dreadlock).

What does Cahonas mean?

(kə-hō′nāz′, kō-hō′nĕs) pl.n. Vulgar Slang. 1. The testicles.

What does the word peloton mean?

Definition of peloton : the main body of riders in a bicycle race : the main group of riders in a bicycle race

What does the name peloton mean?

In a road bicycle race, the peloton (from French, originally meaning ‘ platoon ‘) is the main group or pack of riders. Riders in a group save energy by riding close ( drafting or slipstreaming) to (particularly behind) other riders.

What does Peloton Therapeutics mean?

Peloton Therapeutics. A peloton is a team of bicyclists who achieve great efficiency of motion through cooperative action. It is also the root of platoon, a nimble military unit with capabilities that exceed the sum of its component parts.

What is peloton in cycling?

Peloton is a term used to describe a large group or pack of people in a bicycle road race. Technically, it is the main group of cyclists in a race. Cyclists in a race form such a group because riding in a large pack helps to conserve energy.

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