Can a 301 redirect cause a Seo dip?

Can a 301 redirect cause a Seo dip?

However, even the proper use of a 301 redirect can cause a temporary dip in your SEO. This is because search engines might need some time to catch on to the change and transfer the authority of the original page to the new one. However, after you’ve transferred your page’s data to the new URL, there should be little to no lasting SEO impact.

What’s the difference between a 301 and 302 redirect?

302 redirects tell search engines that the move is temporary. This means that your original page will retain its ranking. Unlike with 301 redirects, your page’s authority will not be passed on to the new address. If at any point you’ve decided that the move is permanent, you should switch the redirect over to a 301 as soon as possible.

What are the different types of redirects for SEO?

Whichever method you choose, you should be aware that there are two distinct types of redirects in common use: 301s and 302s. Each has different uses, and in turn, different potential impacts on your SEO.

How to override a template in Zend Framework?

To override using the / [controller]/ subdirectory, pass a TRUE value for $noController. Finally, templates are rendered into the response object; if you wish to render to a specific named segment in the response object, pass a value to $name .

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