What is an alternative work week?

What is an alternative work week?

An alternative workweek schedule (AWS) means any regularly scheduled workweek requiring an employee to work more than eight hours in a 24-hour period. The alternative workweek schedule may not require more than 10 hours of work per day or more than 40 hours of work in a workweek.

Can employer revoke alternative workweek schedule?

An employer must conduct a new secret ballot election to repeal the alternative schedule upon the petition of one-third of the affected employees. An employer can unilaterally rescind an alternative workweek schedule without an election so long as proper notice is provided to the affected work units.

What is alternative work schedule?

Alternate work schedules (AWS) is an umbrella term that refers to compressed work schedules and flexible work schedules. Compressed work schedule means a fixed work schedule (no flexible time bands) in which an employee can complete the biweekly work requirement in less than 10 working days.

What are the rules for alternative workweek schedules in California?

Alternative work schedules in the state of California are allowed under California Labor Code 511 and by the Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC). An alternative workweek schedule indicates any scheduling of workers that requires them to work more than eight hours in a single 24-hour period of time.

What is alternative work?

Q: What is an alternative work arrangement? A: Alternative work arrangements are work arrangements that include flexible work schedules, job sharing of one position between several employees and having a regular work location at a place other than a campus work site.

How can I improve my alternative work arrangement?

5 Step Guide to Increase Workplace Flexibility

  1. Investigate Various Types of Flexible Work Arrangements.
  2. Provide the Right Resources for Employees to Succeed.
  3. Create an Open Workplace Culture.
  4. Implement a Compressed Workweek or Flexible Working Hours.
  5. Take Advantage of the Tools Available.

Can you work 10 hours a day without overtime?

No overtime required for a regular schedule of not more than 10 hours per workday within a 40-hour workweek.

Can hourly employees make up time?

Yes, make-up time can be worked without incurring overtime when it is approved within the limitations of the law.

How do I get an alternative work schedule?

Here’s what I learned through the process of asking for more flexibility and a change to my schedule—and how you can do it, too.

  1. Prioritize Your Most Important Needs.
  2. Understand What an Appropriate Ask Can Be.
  3. Set Up a Time to Talk.
  4. Ask to Do a Trial Period.
  5. Maintain Open Communication.

Is it legal to have 8 hours between shifts?

The minimum rest period in a 24-hour period should not be less than 11 consecutive hours. In general, workers are entitled to at least 11 hours rest per day, at least one day off each week, and a rest break during the shift if it is longer than six hours.

Is it legal to work 54 hours a week?

Your employer can’t make you work more than 48 hours a week on average. It doesn’t matter what your contract says or if you don’t have a written contract. If you want to work more than 48 hours a week, you can sign an agreement to opt out of the maximum weekly working time limit.

What is alternative working arrangement?

An alternative work arrangement is voluntary on the part of the employee. In addition, the employer cannot diminish the minimum labor standards and benefits due to the employee who agrees to an alternative work arrangement. Section 4. Telecommuting Program.

What is alternative work week?

An “alternative workweek” is defined as “any regularly scheduled workweek requiring an employee to work more than eight hours in a 24-hour period.” Creating an alternative workweek schedule requires careful planning and excellent record keeping.

What is a flex schedule?

Definition and examples. A flexible schedule or flexible work schedule is an alternative to the traditional nine-to-five working day. It is also an alternative to the forty-hour week. A flexible schedule allows workers to vary when they come in and leave their workplace.

What is an alternate work week in California?

Alternative workweeks are popular in California. One common version is the “4-10” in which employees work four 10-hour days and receive an extra day off each week. Another version is the “9-80” in which employees work four nine-hour days and one eight-hour day (typically Friday) and have every other Friday off. Aug 16 2019

What is an alternative work schedule in California?

What’s an alternative work schedule in California? An alternative work schedule, or “AWS,” refers to a compressed or flexible work schedule. Two common AWSs are the so-called “4/10” or “9/80” schedules. Under a 4/10 schedule, employees work 10 hours a day for four days and receive no daily overtime, but receive an additional day off.

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