How do you use aflutter in a sentence?

How do you use aflutter in a sentence?

excited in anticipation.

  1. The flag was aflutter in the air.
  2. I’m all aflutter about meeting him after so long.
  3. The prince went all a-flutter as he climbed to a memorial tower on Scolty Hill in Banchory, Grampian.
  4. All are aflutter at the thought of his return.
  5. The woods were aflutter with unknown birds.

What is mean by gaily?

with merriment; merrily; joyfully; cheerfully. with showiness; showily.

What is the meaning of atwitter?

: nervously concerned : excited gossips atwitter with speculation — Time.

What does the word ostentatious?

: attracting or seeking to attract attention, admiration, or envy often by gaudiness or obviousness : overly elaborate or conspicuous : characterized by, fond of, or evincing ostentation an ostentatious display of wealth/knowledge The power of the government was present …

What is a flutter in the heart?

Atrial flutter is a type of abnormal heart rhythm, or arrhythmia. It occurs when a short circuit in the heart causes the upper chambers (atria) to pump very rapidly.

Is flutter all?

in a state of nervous excitement: Peter was coming round for dinner and I was all of a flutter.

What is the meaning of Eldorado?

1 : a city or country of fabulous riches held by 16th century explorers to exist in South America. 2 : a place of fabulous wealth or opportunity.

What Alley means?

1 : a garden or park walk bordered by trees or bushes. 2a(1) : a grassed enclosure for bowling or skittles. (2) : a hardwood lane for bowling also : a room or building housing a group of such lanes.

Is aflutter a word?

1 : flapping quickly The flags were aflutter in the breeze. 2 : very excited and nervous Her heart was aflutter at the thought of his arrival.

What is the definition of the word Tintinnabulation?

tintinnabulation • \tin-tuh-nab-yuh-LAY-shun\ • noun. 1 : the ringing or sounding of bells 2 : a jingling or tinkling sound as if of bells. Examples: The tintinnabulation that could be heard throughout the village was from the church on the common announcing morning services. “

What is opulent lifestyle?

1 : very comfortable and expensive : luxurious opulent new homes opulent furnishings the opulent [=affluent] lifestyle of wealthy people. 2 : very wealthy an opulent widow.

What is another word for aflutter?

Synonyms for aflutter. antsy, anxious, atwitter, dithery, edgy, goosey, het up, hinky.

What does aflutter mean?

Definition of aflutter 1 : being in a flutter : fluttering 2 : nervously excited all aflutter at the news 3 : filled with or marked by the presence of fluttering things roofs aflutter with flags 1 : flapping quickly The flags were aflutter in the breeze. 2 : very excited and nervous Her heart was aflutter at the thought of his arrival.

How dangerous is atrial flutter?

The main danger of atrial flutter is that the heart does not pump blood very well when it is beating too fast. Vital organs such as the heart muscle and brain may not get enough blood. This can cause them to fail. Congestive heart failure, heart attack, and stroke all can result.

What does an atrial flutter feel like?

Atrial flutter is a condition where the atria of the heart rapidly and regularly beat due to an anomaly in the heart’s electrical system that usually results in a tachycardia. It produces feelings like near-fainting, rapid heartbeats (palpitations), mild shortness of breath, and fatigue.

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