What are Cardassian ships called?

What are Cardassian ships called?

A powerful Cardassian Union military vessel, used quite often. The ships headed by Guls Dukat, Jasad and Dunar, though unspecified, all appear to be Galor-class. …

What are the classes of Star Trek ships?

Starfleet Ship Classes

  • Explorers.
  • Cruisers.
  • Escorts.
  • Science Ships.
  • Support Ships.
  • Small Craft.

What rank is Gul?

Gul is a military rank held by the commander of a vessel or installation. The rank’s closest approximation is a Starfleet Captain. Each Cardassian Order is led by a Gul. A ship’s Gul will routinely take a cut of the profits from the cargo that his or her ship is transporting.

What class is the USS Enterprise?

class aircraft carrier
USS Enterprise (CVN-65)

Class overview
Class and type Enterprise-class aircraft carrier
Displacement 93,284 long tons (94,781 metric tons) Full Load
Length 1,123 ft (342 m) (after refit) 1,088 ft (332 m) (original)
Beam 132.8 ft (40.5 m) (waterline) 257.2 ft (78.4 m) (extreme)

Is Voyager more powerful than the Enterprise?

Voyager NCC-74656 is one of the fastest and most powerful starships in Starfleet. Although only 345 meters long, about half the size of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, Voyager is more technologically advanced than previous Starfleet vessels.

What happened to the Obsidian Order?

In 2371, the Obsidian Order and the Romulan Tal Shiar use the Orias System as a staging point for an attempted attack on the Founder homeworld in the Gamma Quadrant. The Obsidian Order is effectively wiped out.

What rank is a Cardassian Gul?

Ranks of the Cardassian Guard

Cardassian Ranks
Rank Starfleet Equivalent
Gul a senior line officer, equivalent to captain or commander
Glinn a mid-level line officer, equivalent to lieutenant or lieutenant commander
Gil a junior line officer, equivalent to ensign or lieutenant junior grade

What is Warp Factor?

A warp factor is a term indicating velocity in the subspace realm where faster-than-light (FTL) speeds are possible. Starfleet and the Federation has used a scale using cochrane units to measure the distortion potential of a warp drive.

What does NX mean in Star Trek?

“The Making of Star Trek” (which came out in 1986) explains that NCC stands for ‘Naval Construction Contract’ while NX stands for ‘Naval Experiment. ‘ Also, USS stands for ‘United Space Ship.

Which is the most powerful ship in the Cardassian military?

The Galor class is the most powerful ship of the Cardassian military as of 2367, but clearly inferior to Federation Galaxy class. Gallery: Cardassian Starships Known ships

What kind of ship is the Hideki Cardassian?

General description The Hideki is a small Cardassian warship with limited firepower. One variant is operated on its own as a patrol ship, another one in fleet operations as an attack fighter. Gallery: Cardassian Starships

What are the colors of a Cardassian ship?

The model’s basic color is gray as opposed to the usual Cardassian ochre or brown. The plasma glow is bluish. There is something like a cockpit window, indicating a small size of the vessel.

What kind of ship is the Keldon class?

The Keldon class is based on the Galor class. The hull is extended with a large troop or cargo module on the top and two “tail fins” of unknown purpose. Gallery: Cardassian Starships Known ships

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