How do I enable SCC4 logs?

How do I enable SCC4 logs?

To check this you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Go to T-code ‘SCC4’
  2. Select the production client and double click on it.
  3. Click on ‘Logging: Display status’.
  4. It will pop up a screen showing ‘Logging is active in all clients’.
  5. Also check that table logging for the table ‘T000’ should be ‘Active’

How to check client change log in SAP?

Since T000 is flagged for Table Logging, there will be Change Logs for it if Table Logging was activated. You can also view the logs from transaction code SCU3, inputting table T000 in the selection screen (and the period of analysis, etc.).

How do you evaluate a change log in SAP?

Go to SE38 – RSTBHIST or Transaction code SCU3. By passing the Input parameters on selection screen like above we can log the changes made to specific table or particular customizing Object with User name,Date,Time,etc.

How do I know if a client is open in SAP?

In SM01, Search SCC4, select SCC4 and client lock/unlock button.

What is SCC4?

SCC4 is a transaction code used for Client Administration in SAP. It comes under the package STRM.

How do I edit table T000 in SAP?


  1. Start transaction SM31.
  2. In the Table/View field, enter T000 .
  3. Choose Maintain.
  4. On the “Change Clients” View: Overview screen, select the relevant client and choose .
  5. In the Restrictions when Starting CATT and eCATT field, select an entry that allows eCATT.

How do I enable change log in SAP?

Activate/Deactivate Table Change Logging

  1. Choose Tools ABAP Workbench Development Dictionary (SE11) in the initial screen.
  2. Enter the name of the table whose log settings you want to check.
  3. Choose Change.
  4. Choose Goto Technical Settings .
  5. Select/Deselect the Log Data Changes checkbox.
  6. Select Activate.

What is Cdhdr and Cdpos in SAP?

Purpose – CDHDR and CDPOS are SAP Tables that you can check for needed document change logs. Differentiate CDHDR and CDPOS SAP Tables – CDHDR is for change document header details while CDPOS is for change document line item details.

How do I update Cdhdr and Cdpos?

STEPS for updating CDHDR and CDPOS tables through custom program.

  1. Before updating LIKP table in custom code, extract the old values of LIKP in a work area.
  2. After updating LIKP, take the new values of LIKP for that particular vbeln in a work area.

What is the use of SCC4 Tcode?

SCC4 SAP tcode – Client Administration SCC4 (Client Administration) is a standard SAP parameter transaction code that is used to maintain the contents of T000 database table. It does this by executing the table maintenance t-code SM30 in edit mode, assuming you have the appropriate authorisations.

How do I change my client number in SAP?

Put the parameter name: login/system_client. Put the client number you will use default when the SAPGUI logon screen start….How to change the default logon client on SAPGUI Logon Screen

  1. Select the instance profile or default profile.
  2. Select the edition mode: “Extended maintenance”
  3. Press the button: “Change”

What is use of SCC7 in SAP?

SCC7 is a transaction code used for Post-Client Import Methods in SAP. It comes under the package STRM. When we execute this transaction code, SAPMSCC1 is the normal standard SAP program that is being executed in background.

Why are change logs important in SAP Scc4?

In SAP, we have 4 option for change logs settings and it is very important from audit point of view. If you select this option in SCC4 for production client, it allows the changes in the production client without recording any change logs. Which may lead to any fraud or unauthorized changes in the production environment.

How to check SCC4 settings in the production client?

If SCC4 settings are as per the required guidelines, you can’t make sure that any unauthorized changes were not made in the production client. You need to check the change logs for SCC4. To check the change logs follow the below path: Go to the transaction SCC4 -> Utilities -> Change logs.

How to see changes in table t000 in TX Scc4?

Tx SCC4 makes modifications to Table T000, and you can only see the user ID and date of the last change. You have to set-up Table Logging with the Parameter rec/client = ALL in the DEFAULT Profile. Then you can see all the changes, before/After and User ID and Time of change.

What is the SCC4 transaction code in SAP?

SAP transaction code ‘SCC4’ is defined to serve this purpose with some predefined configurations. Additionally, we can check the settings defined it transaction code ‘SE06’. This t-code provides the settings regarding the changeability of an object in SAP system.

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