What does a coroner investigator do?

What does a coroner investigator do?

Responsible for the bodies, evidence and property related to the deceased at the death scene. May notify family of the deceased. Interviews witnesses, physicians, police officers, and family members to obtain facts concerning deaths. Prepares official reports of investigation.

How long does a coroners investigation take?

It will take between 4 and 12 weeks to carry out the investigation. An Officer will phone you as soon as we have the results. Then one of two things will happen. If it is confirmed that death was due to natural causes, we will close the case.

What kinds of deaths do coroners investigate?


  • Accidental Deaths.
  • Homicidal Deaths (By any means, suspected or known)
  • Suicidal Deaths (By any means, suspected or known)
  • Sudden Deaths.
  • Occupational Deaths.
  • Deaths while confined.
  • Therapeutic deaths.
  • Medical malpractice.

Why would a coroner investigate a death?

a coroner – because the cause of death is unknown, or following a sudden, violent or unexpected death. a hospital doctor – to find out more about an illness or the cause of death, or to further medical research and understanding.

How long do death investigations take?

The exam usually takes 1 to 2 hours. Many times, experts can figure out the cause of death in that time. But in other cases, you might have to wait until a lab can do more tests to look for signs of drugs, poisons, or disease.

What are the 5 responsibilities of a coroner?

The Coroner is a judicial officer who has the power to:

  • Grant: Burial orders. Cremation orders. Waivers of autopsy. Autopsy orders. Exhumation orders.
  • Order police investigations of death.
  • Order inquests.
  • Approve removal and use of body parts of the dead body.
  • Issue certificates of fact of death.

What are the 3 stages of the death investigation process?

The 3 stages of a Death Investigation are Examination, Correlation, and Interpretation. All are equalling important, each stage needs the input of all involved in that stage of the investigation and each may need specialized input.

Does a coroner issue a death certificate?

If the coroner decides that the cause of death is clear: The doctor signs a medical certificate. You take the medical certificate to the registrar to register the death. The coroner issues a certificate to the registrar stating a post-mortem is not needed.

What makes a death suspicious?

A death is suspicious if it is unexpected and its circumstances or cause are medically or legally unexplained. Normally, this occurs in the context of medical care, suicide or suspected criminal activity.

Why would a coroner request an inquest?

A coroner must hold an inquest if: the cause of death is still unknown. the person might have died a violent or unnatural death. the person might have died in prison or police custody.

Do all deaths go to the coroner?

Although it may sound alarming when you hear that a death has been referred to the coroner, it’s actually very common with 45% of all deaths being reported to the coroner. There are a number of reasons why this may happen. A death will be reported to the coroner if: The death was sudden and unexplained.

What are 2 different types of deaths investigators may investigate?

Coroners and Medical Examiners Medical examiners investigate deaths due to homicide, suicide, or accidental violence, and deaths of persons unattended by a physician, or who succumbed to a contagious disease.

How does one become a coroner investigator?

The first requirement to become a coroner investigator is to complete a post-secondary education program. There is no specific training program to become a coroner investigator. Instead, candidates must have at least a four-year degree or diploma in the health sciences. Courses required include anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology.

A coroner investigator is a law enforcement officer who works with a team of people to determine the cause of death in situations where a death is deemed suspicious. Coroner investigators work under the supervision of a coroner, also known as a medical examiner.

Who is coroner and his duties?

A coroner is a government official who is empowered to conduct or order an inquest into the manner or cause of death, and to investigate or confirm the identity of an unknown person who has been found dead within the coroner’s jurisdiction.

What are the duties of a coroner?

In most cases, the coroner handles administrative tasks that relate to the deceased, such as collecting bodies, identifying them, determining cause of death, granting exhumation requests, testifying in court, and releasing bodies to their families. In most cases, he or she acts as a medical examiner,…

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