What is a Reference Set nx?

What is a Reference Set nx?

Reference sets are used to represent the component parts with simplified geometry/different state of the geometry with the options to filter and control the display of a component or subassembly part in higher level assemblies. Same order is displayed when you use ‘Replace Reference Set’ in the assembly.

What is reference set?

A reference set contains unique values that you can use in searches, filters, rule test conditions, and rule responses. Use rules to test whether a reference set contains a data element, or configure the rule response to add data to a reference set.

What are snomed reference sets?

A SNOMED CT Refset: Is a data structure defined within SNOMED CT ® Release Format 2 (RF2) Consists of a set of references to SNOMED CT ® components, like concepts, descriptions or relationships.

What are arrangements in NX?

NX Assembly Arrangements allow the user to configure and show different working positions in assembly documentation. This helps in making different views or positions of your model, letting you quickly jump back to those scenarios.

What are NX layers?

A layer is a system-defined attribute that all objects in NX must have, such as color,font, and width. A layer may be thought of as a partition in the part file that objects reside in, or ON for the purpose of organization. There are 256 usable layers in NX, one of which is always the Work Layer.

How many layers does NX have?

There are 256 layers in Unigraphics.

What is a Refset?

A reference set can be used to represent a subset of components (concepts, descriptions or relationships). A reference set may also associate referenced components with additional information such as: Ordered lists of components. Sets of associations between components.

What is assembly arrangement?

Assembly arrangements directly control the positions of components but not of geometry. Control of geometry can occur when it depends on component positioning. Occurrences of the same subassembly can use different arrangements.

What is part family?

[′pärt ‚fam·lē] (industrial engineering) In the group technology concept, a set of related parts that can be produced by the same sequence of machining operations because of similarity in shape and geometry or similarity in production operation processes.

Where did the idea of reference sets come from?

A little history on where reference sets came from may help. Back in the old days of UG2, preV10, reference sets were used in component parts to filter out the miscellaneous objects of the data base so when you created a cube, you would only bring to your assembly the 12 lines used to represent the cube.

Do you still need reference sets for solids?

You would still need reference sets of assemblies to capture only the geometry for the next higher level. Move up to V10+ with solids and you would have your skecth entities that would be excluded from the reference set. You only wanted the solid model in the ref set to move up to the assembly.

Do you need to include components in a reference set?

Generally speaking, we do NOT recommend that you include Components in a Reference Set except in very special and hopefully, rare cases. To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

When do you use reference sets in UG2?

Back in the old days of UG2, preV10, reference sets were used in component parts to filter out the miscellaneous objects of the data base so when you created a cube, you would only bring to your assembly the 12 lines used to represent the cube.


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