What type of star is Sigma Draconis?

What type of star is Sigma Draconis?

G9 V
Sigma Draconis/Spectral type

Sigma Draconis is a main sequence dwarf which has long served as a K0 V spectral standard star. Its classification as K0 V defines one of the anchor points of the Morgan–Keenan system that have remained unchanged since the original 1943 MKK Atlas. However, some modern spectroscopy gives it as designation of G9 V.

What color is Sigma Draconis?

Sigma Draconis is a main-sequence yellow-orange dwarf star of spectral and luminosity type of G9 V (RECONS; and NASA Star and Exoplanet Database, based on MK spectral classification system from Gray et al, 2003, see HIP 96100 in Table 1), which was previously classed as orange as K0 under the older HD system.

How old is Sigma Draconis?

The star has about 89 percent of Sol’s mass, 79 percent of its diameter, and 39 percent of its luminosity. Although the star may only be about 3.3 billion years old, it appears to be less enriched than Sol in elements heavier than hydrogen (“metals”) with only about 56 to 59 percent of Sol’s abundance of iron.

What kind of star is Alsafi?

Alsafi is a Main Sequence Star type star. Alsafi is not part of the Draco constellation outline but is within the borders of the constellation. Based on the spectral type (K0V) of the star, the star’s colour is orange to red . Alsafi is a Binary or Multiple star system.

How far is Sigma Draconis from the sun?

18.77 light years
Sigma Draconis/Distance to Earth

Who is the creator of the star Sigma Draconis?

σ Draconis ( Latinised to Sigma Draconis) is the star’s Bayer designation, established in 1603 as part of the Uranometria, a star catalogue produced by German celestial cartographer Johann Bayer .

Is the Sigma Draconis star A K0 V Star?

Sigma Draconis is a main sequence dwarf which has long served as a K0 V spectral standard star. Its classification as K0 V defines one of the anchor points of the Morgan–Keenan system that have remained unchanged since the original 1943 MKK Atlas. However, some modern spectroscopy gives it as designation of G9 V.

How big is the star Sigma Draconis in light years?

Sigma Draconis (σ Draconis, abbreviated Sig Dra, σ Dra), also named Alsafi /ælˈseɪfi/, is a 4.7-magnitude star located at a distance of 18.8 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Draco.

How often does Sigma Draconis make its perihelion passage?

Sigma Draconis has a high proper motion, advancing across the celestial sphere at a rate of 1.835 arc seconds per year. The star made its perihelion passage about 46,725 years ago, when it came within 16.55 ly (5.075 pc).

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