What are the best commencement speeches?

What are the best commencement speeches?

The 10 best graduation speeches ever

  • JK Rowling, Harvard, 2008.
  • Robert de Niro, NYU Art School, 2015.
  • Mary Schmich, hypothetical commencement speech, 1997.
  • John F Kennedy, American University, 1963.
  • Rik Mayall, Exeter, 2008.
  • David Foster Wallace, Kenyon College, 2005.
  • Muhammad Ali, Harvard University, 1975.

What school did Denzel Washington conduct his speech at?

At least I figure that way I’ll see what I’m about to hit,” he added to applause. At the University of Pennsylvania in 2011, actor Denzel Washington gave a moving speech to graduates. “I’ll be honest with you: I’m a little nervous. I am not used to speaking at a graduation of this magnitude, it’s a little overwhelming.

When did Denzel Washington give his speech at Dillard University?

In his rousing commencement address given at Dillard University in 2015, Washington relates that at the beauty parlor that day was an elderly woman with her hair under a dryer who kept looking at him.

What does Denzel Washington mean when he instructs the audience of college graduates to fall forward?

Denzel gains our attention by telling us to fall forward in life and shares two stories of two very rememberable people and how they failed time and time again until they succeeded. Denzel central idea of this speech is for us to know that you need to fail, to get where you need to be.

What makes a great commencement speech?

“Great commencement speeches include six elements: authenticity (being yourself), transparency (sharing a story of failure), wisdom (having failed, picked yourself back up, failed again, hit reset, and used the lessons learned from the previous failures to become successful), humor (comic relief, keep their attention.

How long should a commencement speech last?

Your speech should be about 5 minutes in length. Keep in mind that you must read slowly and articulate your words clearly since you will be using a microphone. This means you must write concisely about your topic.

Is Denzel Washington a motivational speaker?

Washington has a long and highly acclaimed career as an actor that spans film and theater. Keynotes by Denzel Washington offer encouragement to young people entering adulthood. His speeches act as inspiration not just for young actors, but for young people as a whole.

What is the main message of Denzel Washington’s speech?

His main point was that failure is necessary in order to learn and succeed. The one area which Denzel Washington could have improved in was eye contact with the audience. Towards the end of the speech, he read almost directly off of his paper. Otherwise, his speech was very well performed and delivered well overall.

What university did Denzel Washington attend?

Fordham University1977
Denzel Washington/College

What does Denzel mean when he refers to falling forward?

It’s going to take hard work and there will be setbacks, but if I fall, I will fall forward. Falling forward means that I am still progress. It means that I am learning. And it means that I can pick myself up and keep on going. Denzel continues, “When you get it, reach back pull someone else up.

What do you say in a commencement speech?

Graduation Speech Introductions Examples

  1. “Thank you [person who introduced you].
  2. “It’s my honor today to deliver the commencement address for this incredible student body.”
  3. “It is my pleasure to welcome students, families, and faculty to graduation day at [school’s name].

How do you write a commencement speech?

Some suggestions on writing a commencement speech


What was the most inspiring quote in the commencement speech?

Most inspiring quote: “I believe that there is a way to have a very, very satisfying, enriching and creative life in the arts, but it depends on what criteria you use to look at that. But I would say that if you’re being creative, with happiness, satisfaction, all that—you’re succeeding.”

Can a comedian give a solemn commencement speech?

Every speech acknowledges that we comedians are never truly qualified to do anything, let alone give a solemn commencement address. Hell, I still have trouble remembering whether the word “address” has two D’s or one.

What did Denzel Washington say in his commencement speech?

In delivering the commencement speech at Dillard University, Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington told the college graduates to put God first in everything they do, adding that everything he has accomplished in this life was due to the grace of God.

Is there a trend to disinvite commencement speakers?

There’s been a trend around the country of trying to get colleges to disinvite speakers with a different point of view, or disrupt a politician’s rally. Don’t do that—no matter how ridiculous or offensive you might find the things that come out of their mouths.

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