What is FACS software?

What is FACS software?

FACS provides a simple and intuitive desktop and mobile application that allows users to work while online, and offline, in real time. Create transparency throughout all your document life cycles by providing the full team access to a central platform built just for them.

How do you represent FACS data?

FACS data are commonly presented as one- dimensional histograms or two-dimensional displays (dot displays or contour maps) with logarithmic axes that extend over a ‘four- to five-decade’ range, representing cells with flourescence values that differ 10,000- to 100,000-fold between the lower and upper ends of the scale.

What is FlowJo used for?

FlowJo is software for the analysis of flow cytometry data. This tutorial will quickly introduce you to FlowJo using an example experiment, where a FITC anti-CD8 reagent is titrated to determine the most economical concentration for staining in future experiments.

What does FACS measure?

-FACS together with flow cytometry can measure and characterize multiple cell generations by using highly specific antibodies tagged with fluorescent dyes, a researcher can perform FACS analysis and simultaneously gather expression data and sort cell samples by a number of variables.

How does FACS analysis work?

–FACS is a process by which a sample mixture of cells is sorted according to their light scattering and fluorescence characteristics into two or more containers. This is a methodology that identifies and quantifies multiple populations of cells in one heterogeneous sample.

How much does FlowJo cost?

An individual copy of FlowJo is normally $2695.00 with the academic discount; the site license brings that cost down to $283/year for each license that can be used on up to 4 different computers (one at a time) or licensed on a shared computer that multiple users can login with their own Portal account to access FlowJo …

What is MFI FlowJo?

Mean Fluorescent Intensity (MFI) is often used to compare expression of target of interest (TOI) across samples/ cell populations in Flow cytometry. It gives reliable information about expression/ presence of TOI within the experiment.

Why is immunophenotyping done?

Flow cytometry immunophenotyping is used primarily to help diagnose and classify blood cell cancers (leukemias and lymphomas) and to help guide their treatment.

What is SSC in flow cytometry?

In flow cytometry, the light scattered by cells is measured by two optical detectors: forward scatter (FSC) that detects scatter along the path of the laser, and side scatter (SSC) which measures scatter at a ninety-degree angle relative to the laser.

What are the 3 systems of a FACS system?

The flow cytometer instrument consists of three core systems: fluidics, optics, and electronics.

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