What are 22Rv1 cells?

What are 22Rv1 cells?

22Rv1 is a human prostate carcinoma epithelial cell line derived from a xenograft that was serially propagated in mice after castration-induced regression and relapse of the parental, androgen-dependent CWR22 xenograft.

What do prostate cancer cells do?

Prostate cancer cells that change shape, squeeze into organs and take root in other parts of the body. It may sound like science fiction — but in this case it’s pure science. And while the cells’ shapeshifting behavior is unusual, it may offer new clues about why some prostate cancer spreads.

What are DU145 cells?

DU145 (DU-145) is a human prostate cancer cell line. DU145, PC3, and LNCaP are considered to be the standard prostate cancer cell lines used in therapeutic research.

What are LNCaP cells?

LNCaP cells are androgen-sensitive human prostate adenocarcinoma cells derived from the left supraclavicular lymph node metastasis from a 50-year-old Caucasian male in 1977. The androgen receptor (AR) in LNCaP cells harbours a T877A mutations which enables the anti-androgen flutamide to act as an agonist.

Is a Gleason score of 7 Bad?

The scores are added together to come up with an overall score between 6 and 10. Gleason scores of 5 or lower are not used. The lowest Gleason score is 6, which is a low-grade cancer. A Gleason score of 7 is a medium-grade cancer, and a score of 8, 9, or 10 is a high-grade cancer.

How fast do prostate cancer cells grow?

Prostate cancer is a slow-growing cancer and, more often, it is confined to the prostate gland, requiring minimal or no treatment. In some cases, it can take up to eight years to spread from the prostate to other parts of the body (metastasis), typically the bones.

What is A549 cell line?

A549 (ATCC® CCL-185™) is a human lung adenocarcinoma cell line initiated through explant culture of lung carcinomatous tissue from a 58-year-old Caucasian male. The cells are adherent with an epithelial morphology.

What does LNCaP stand for?

The LNCaP (Lymph Node Carcinoma of the Prostate) cell line was established from a metastatic lesion of human prostatic adenocarcinoma.

How do you culture a LNCaP cell?

Neutralize the trypsin-EDTA by adding complete media (containing FBS) at a volume of 4x the volume of trypsin-EDTA added; centrifuge the cells and remove the supernatant. Add 6-8 mL of growth medium and gently aspirate cells with pipette. Add aliquots of cell suspension to culture vessels. incubate at 37°C in 5% CO2.

What is the life expectancy of a Gleason 7?

The mean (range) age of the men was 69.5 (59.6-76.2) years and the median (interquartile range) follow-up was 2.6 (0.8-5.0) years; the mean American Society of Anesthesiologists score was 1.8. The 6-year cancer-specific survival (nine patients at risk) was 100%, which sharply contrasted with the 68% overall survival.

Does Gleason 7 require treatment?

Background: Optimal therapy for Gleason score 7 (GS7) prostate cancer (PC) remains to be defined, with consensus guidelines identifying both prostatectomy (RP) and radiation therapy (RT) as acceptable. The present investigation seeks to compare outcomes between these treatment approaches.

What is the basic karyotype of cwr22?

The basic karyotype is close to that of the grandparent xenograft, CWR22, and is relatively simple with 50 chromosomes. In nude mice, the line forms tumors with morphology similar to that of the xenografts, and like the parental CWR22 and CWR22R xenografts, this cell line expresses prostate specific antigen.

Is there a cell line for prostate cancer?

In nude mice, the line forms tumors with morphology similar to that of the xenografts, and like the parental CWR22 and CWR22R xenografts, this cell line expresses prostate specific antigen. Growth is weakly stimulated by dihydroxytestosterone and lysates are immunoreactive with androgen receptor antibody by Western blot analysis.

Is the cwr22rv1-ar-Ek derivative dependent on FL-vs?

This new derivative called CWR22Rv1-AR-EK ( E xon K nockout) is dependent upon AR-Vs for growth, is refractory to all FL-AR-targeting agents and displays a gene expression programme similar to parental CWR22Rv1 cells consistent with FL-AR and AR-V transcriptional mimicry.

What is the mechanism of resistance in prostate cancer?

Resistance to androgen receptor (AR)-targeted therapies in prostate cancer (PC) is a major clinical problem. A key mechanism of treatment resistance in advanced PC is the generation of alternatively spliced forms of the AR termed AR variants (AR-Vs) that are refractory to targeted agents and drive tumour progression.


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