What happens in chapter 5 of The Graveyard Book?

What happens in chapter 5 of The Graveyard Book?

When the clock strikes midnight, the dead march down the hill and join them. Everyone dances, the dead and the living, and the Lady on the Gray appears and dances with Bod. He asks if he can ride her horse, and she promises he will do so someday in the future. Then the clock strikes twelve again, and the dead are gone.

What is Chapter 7 in the graveyard book about?

Frost mentions the graveyard and Scarlett’s mom gets upset and tells the story of the imaginary boy. That night Scarlett dreams of the graveyard and Bod and wakes up in her bed. Bod has enough food since Silas stocked him up, but without Silas or Miss Lupescu he is unable to leave the graveyard.

What was bod not good at Mr Pennyworth?

Unlock This Study Guide Now One day Bod fails at a lesson with one of his teachers, Mr. Pennyworth, who wants him to learn to Fade like a ghost.

What happens in chapter 3 of The graveyard Book?

Mad at the world, Bod falls asleep. They jump over the wall into the graveyard and make their way to the ghoul gate – the grave where Bod is sleeping. He wakes up and the creatures introduce themselves to him. Right away, he starts complaining about Miss Lupescu, her bad food, and his boring life.

What is the title of Chapter 5 in the graveyard book?

CHAPTER FIVE: Danse Macabre. One winter morning, Bod notices the residents of the graveyard acting strange. His mother shoos him out of their crypt, claiming that she needs to get ready for tomorrow, and begins singing a song he has never heard.

What did Miss Lupescu do?

Miss Lupescu isn’t only feeding Bod’s body with home-cooked, high-nutrition (well, except for the lard) food, she’s also teaching him all the discipline and practical knowledge he’s lacking. But teaching him to call for help in every language of the world will help him wherever he goes, not just Hell.

What happens in Chapter 1 of The Graveyard Book?

CHAPTER ONE: How Nobody Came to the Graveyard. A man named Jack, a mysterious and frightening figure, holds a bloody knife. As he walks up the stairs to the boy’s room, he wipes the blood off his knife with a handkerchief. He plunges his blade into the boy’s crib only to find a teddy bear in his place.

Who is Abanazer Bolger?

Abanazer is an antiques dealer that Bod meets in the Old Town shopping district, down the hill from the graveyard. He deals in all sorts of items, both legally and illegally.

What was written on Liza’s gravestone?

On the paperweight he paints Liza’s initials, “E. H.,” and the words “We don’t forget.” As Bod’s leaving the graveyard, he hears a voice say “Not bad at all.” It seems that Liza’s well pleased with Bod’s efforts.

What is the theme of Chapter 3 in the graveyard book?

The chapter introduces Miss Lupescu and initially Bod does not like her at all. She feeds him food he doesn’t like and teaches him lessons he thinks are useless. He feels like her strictness means she doesn’t like him. When Bod is captured by the ghouls, he is eventually rescued by Miss Lupescu in her werewolf form.

Where did Silas go in Chapter 3?

Anyway, it’s fifteen years after Silas moved to Raveloe, and now the action is starting. Godfrey stands in a dark parlor with his back to the fire and his hands in his pockets. Dunsey walks in, and Godfrey scowls.

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