What is VISA resource name in labview?

What is VISA resource name in labview?

VISA resource name is a unique identifier reference to a device I/O session. It identifies the device with which the VI communicates and passes all necessary configuration information required to perform the I/O. VISA resource name out contains the same identifier information as VISA resource name.

How do I change my VISA resource name?

In order to change the VISA alias, simply right-click on the port in MAX under Devices and Interfaces»Ports and select Rename. You can also change the alias by opening the General tab where you can rename the port bound to COM1 as “COM1”.

What is VISA resource?

A VISA resource is any instrument in your system. If you have multiple instruments connected to one host, each instrument is considered a VISA resource. The resource is a complete description of the set of capabilities for the instrument.

What is VISA in Labview?

VISA is a standard for configuring, programming, and troubleshooting instrumentation systems comprising GPIB, VXI, PXI, serial (RS232/RS485), Ethernet/LXI, and/or USB interfaces.

What is Visa instrument control?

Virtual instrument software architecture (VISA) is a widely used application programming interface (API) in the test and measurement (T&M) industry for communicating with instruments from a computer.

What is ASRL1 :: Instr?

ASRL1::INSTR is the actual VISA resource name. Com1, Com2, etc. are aliases. You can assign an alias to any resource. for example, for a GPIB instrument, you might assign the alias DMM for GPIB0::3::INSTR and refer to the alias in your program.

How do I change the COM port in LabVIEW?

Location of Port Settings: You can change the VI Server port on a development computer by navigating to the Tools >> Options >> VI Server menu. To change the VI Server port on an embedded hardware target (e.g. CompactRIO), right click on the target in the LabVIEW Project and select Properties >> VI Server.

What VXI 11?

VXI-11 is a TCP/IP instrument protocol specification defined by the VXIbus Consortium. Since LXI instruments are based on Ethernet, the TCP/IP interface allows you to communicate with an LXI instrument using the VXI-11 interface.

What is Visa Resource Manager?

Answer : VISA Resource Manager is the name given to the part of VISA that manages resources. This management includes support for opening, closing, and finding resources; setting and retrieving resource attributes; generating events on resources; and so on.

What is Visa protocol?

Answer : VISA is an acronym for Virtual Instrument Software Architecture. VISA is a Test & Measurement industry standard communication API (Application Programming Interface) for use with test and measurement devices. Using VISA libraries enables communication for many interfaces such as GPIB, USB, and Ethernet.

What is meant by instrumentation and control?

Instrumentation and control refer to the analysis, measurement, and control of industrial process variables using process control instruments and software tools such as temperature, pressure, flow, and level sensors, analyzers, electrical and mechanical actuators, Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI), Piping and …

How do I use Visa LabVIEW?

Using NI-VISA in LabVIEW

  1. Open a Session to a given Resource.
  2. Do any configuration on the given resource (setting baud rates, termination character, etc…).
  3. Perform writes and reads to the device.
  4. Close the Session to the Resource.
  5. Handle any errors that may have occurred.

What is device interface number for VISA resource name control?

A raw USB nonclass device with manufacturer ID 0x5678, model code 0x33, and serial number SN999. This uses the device interface number 1. By default, the VISA resource name control is set to the Instr class, which also corresponds to the class of the session to be opened.

Where do I find the resource name in Vis?

The front panel of most instrument driver VIs includes a VISA resource name control and a VISA resource name out indicator. These controls and indicators pass session information between instrument driver subVIs. The VISA resource name identifies the resource on which the VI operates.

How to select a resource name in visa?

You select the VISA resource name in the Initialize VI from the VISA resource name pull-down menu. Instruments that are powered on and connected to your computer are visible in the VISA resource name pull-down menu. If the instrument does not appear in this list, enter the instrument descriptor using the following format:

Is the visa name control available on all platforms?

Note VISA name controls and constants are available on all platforms. However, if you try to run a VI with a name control that contains a resource string for a device that your platform does not support, you will receive an error.

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