What does Mr Darcy say to Elizabeth when he proposes the second time?

What does Mr Darcy say to Elizabeth when he proposes the second time?

You’re too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged. But one word from you will silence me on this subject forever.

What does Darcy say in his proposal?

Mr. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth in an insulting and arrogant manner, telling her that he will marry her despite her embarrassing family. Darcy later apologizes for his pride and arrogance, and when he proposes to Elizabeth a second time, he is accepted.

What page does Mr Darcy propose to Elizabeth?

In chapter 34, Darcy proposes to Elizabeth and this comes as a complete shock to her.

Why was Darcy’s proposal so offensive to Elizabeth?

Why does Lizzy reject Darcy’s first proposal to her? Lizzy rejects Darcy’s first proposal because while he admits to loving her, he also says many insulting things about her family and social position. These attitudes are offensive to Lizzy, because she does not think Darcy is inherently better than her.

How many times did Darcy propose to Elizabeth?

Mr. Darcy proposed to Elizabeth Bennet twice in Pride and Prejudice. The first time he proposes (chapter 34), Elizabeth is “astonished beyond expression.” She was also angry that he said “will,…

What reasons does Elizabeth give for rejecting Darcy’s proposal?

Why does Lizzy reject Darcy’s first proposal to her? Lizzy rejects Darcy’s first proposal because while he admits to loving her, he also says many insulting things about her family and social position.

Why does Elizabeth change her mind about Darcy?

She overhears Bingley urging Darcy to ask her to dance. Darcy says that Elizabeth is not pretty enough to tempt him. She then gets furious with him when she thinks he has broken up Jane and Bingley. Elizabeth’s view changes as she realizes that he is not the creep she had thought he was.

Why does Elizabeth secretly advise her father to stop Lydia from going to Brighton What is his reply?

Why does Elizabeth appeal to her father not to let Lydia go to Brighton? Elizabeth thinks that Lydia will “make herself and her family ridiculous”, if she goes. She also believes that Lydia will ruin more than she already has, like Jane’s relationship with Mr. Bingley.

Why does Elizabeth accepts Darcy’s second proposal?

By Darcy’s second proposal (chapter 58), Elizabeth has undergone a change of heart. Elizabeth puts away her prejudice against Darcy and views him as the honorable man he truly is beneath his seemingly-prideful exterior. This time, she accepts his proposal.

How did Elizabeth react to Darcy’s first proposal?

As Mr. Darcy ‘spoke with apprehension and anxiety, Elizabeth’s ‘colour rose to her cheeks’, she refuses Mr. Darcy and says that she could not ‘feel any gratitude’ towards his proposal and she has ‘never desired’ his good opinion. Mr. Darcy is furious and looks at her ‘with no less resentment than surprise.

What did mr.darcy say to Elizabeth Bingley?

Mr. Darcy admits that he did ‘everything in his power to separate his friend from Elizabeth’s sister and he adds ‘to him (Mr. Bingley) I have been kinder than to myself’. This ‘civil reflection’ of Mr. Darcy, which she disdained, was unlikely to ‘conciliate her’.

What are some good quotes from Mr Darcy?

“Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed. But pride – where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation.” “Elizabeth’s spirit’s soon rising to playfulness again, she wanted Mr. Darcy to account for his having ever fallen in love with her.

What did Darcy mean when he said he loved Elizabeth?

He means that although he had loved her for a long time he knows that her family is beneath him. Mr. Darcy considered his wealth and status as ‘sufficient encouragement’ for Elizabeth to accept his hand of marriage.

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