What do you say when giving candy?

What do you say when giving candy?


  1. Everything happens for a RIESEN. Thinking of you!
  2. I heard your going through a SOUR PATCH. Know I’m thinking of you!
  3. Hope you get feeling BUTTER soon!
  4. We’re always here to help when you’re in a CRUNCH!
  5. Life can be hard, hope this help you ROLO with the punches.

What do you say on a candy gram?

Just settle with one of the below:

  1. “Have an awesome holiday!” cause then they will think you care.
  2. “You’re really awesome!” because if they’re asking you to give them a candy gram they probably need an ego boost.
  3. “I hope your winter break is fun!” That’s always a good one to have up your sleeve if everything else fails.

How do you say thank you with candy?

41 Ways to Say THANK YOU with Candy

  1. 100 Grand: Thanks so much!
  2. Baby Ruth: Thanks, BABY, you’re the best!
  3. Big Hunk: Hey BIG HUNK, you’re the greatest!
  4. Boston Baked Beans: I’ve BEAN meaning to tell you thanks!
  5. Cadbury Creme Egg: You’ve been EGG–celent!
  6. Candy Corn: This is kinda CORNY, but you’re the best!

What are some candy names?

Here is our list of the Top 30 Candies of All Time:

  • Necco Wafers Candy.
  • Pop Rocks Candy.
  • Nerds Candy.
  • Jawbreakers Candy.
  • Jolly Ranchers Candy.
  • Smarties Candy.
  • Milk Duds.
  • Charms Blow Pop.

What is candy Gram short for?

A box of candy/lollies, delivered with a greeting or other prepared message, often used for Valentine’s Day dances. quotations ▼

How do you say thank you creatively?

Thirteen Creative Ways to Say Thank You

  1. Smile – The Easiest Way to Say Thank You. Express your gratitude with a genuine smile and the other person will almost always smile back.
  2. Send a Note.
  3. Make a Phone Call.
  4. Offer a Unique Gift.
  5. Add a Personal Touch.
  6. Bake Some Cookies.
  7. Take Them Out on the Town.
  8. Share Their Story.

What was the first candy called?

What is this? The Chocolate Cream bar created by Joseph Fry in 1866 is the oldest candy bar in the world. Although Fry was the first to start pressing chocolate into bar molds in 1847, the Chocolate Cream was the first mass-produced and widely available candy bar.

Is M&M a candy?

M&M’s are the flagship product of the Mars Wrigley Confectionery division of Mars, Incorporated. The candy originated in the United States in 1941, and M&M’s have been sold in over 100 countries since 2003. They are produced in different colors, some of which have changed over the years.

What are some good quotes about eating candy?

Quotes and Sayings about Candy. 1 1. A bad day eating candy is better than a good day eating salad. 2 2. Life is like candy. Sometimes it’s sweet, and sometimes it’s sour. 3 3. You’re a piece of eye candy! 4 4. The sweet taste of candy calms my soul. 5 5. Pour some sugar on me and call me candy.

Can you use a candy quote in a caption?

You can also use these sweet candy quotes and candy captions on social media, where the perfect caption is going to elevate your post to the next level and make your picture say way more than its “1,000” words.

What are some good candy sayings for prom?

High school students looking for a clever yet budget-friendly way to invite a date to prom can make a fun card filled with clever candy sayings. Hey [Hot Tamale], I know I’m a [Nerds], so please don’t [Snickers] at me. I think it would be [Mounds] of fun to go to prom with a [SweeTART] like you. If you say yes, I promise we’ll have

What are some good sayings to say on a birthday?

You’re the left Twix to my right. Incorporate candy sayings or puns into the messages you share with people who are celebrating a special milestone, such as a birthday or anniversary. Happy birthday! Meet me After Eight to celebrate.

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