What is the preterite tense ending for yo?

What is the preterite tense ending for yo?

The endings are a little confusing because the él, ella, and usted forms end in – ó in the preterite tense, but the yo form ends in – o (no accent) in the present tense. Take note of the accent mark on the preterite forms because that is the only difference.

What is the preterite of yo?

The preterite is used to describe actions which have been completed.

Person Verbs ending in -ar Verbs ending in -er and -ir
-aste -iste
él, ella, usted -ió
nosotros -amos -imos

What is the Ella form of Leer in the preterite?

Leer Conjugation: Preterite Tense

yo leí
él/ella leyó
ns. leímos
vs. leísteis

What happens to car gar ZAR verbs in preterite?

Remember that when you conjugate verbs ending in -car, -zar, and -gar in the preterite tense, the spelling of the verb changes as follows in the yo form: -car the c changes to qu before adding the é -zar the z changes to c before adding the é -gar the g changes to gu before adding the é

How do you conjugate OIR in the preterite?

Oír is conjugated as an irregular verb in the preterite tense….Oír Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

él/ella oyó
ns. oímos
vs. oísteis

What is the Ella form of comer?

Need to know how to conjugate comer in another tense? The following tables show you its preterit, imperfect, and future forms….Conjugating the Spanish Verb Comer (to Eat)

Conjugation Translation
él/ella/ello/uno come He/she/one eats
usted come You (formal) eat
nosotros comemos We eat
vosotros coméis You all (informal) eat

What are the 6 conjugations of Comer?


  • como.
  • comes.
  • come.
  • comemos.
  • coméis.
  • comen.

What are the rules for car gar and ZAR verbs?

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