How do I send an email to multiple recipients in Linux?

How do I send an email to multiple recipients in Linux?

How to Use Mailx to Send to Multiple Addresses

  1. Begin the mail command using the following syntax: mailx [-s “subject”].
  2. Enter the email address of your first recipient after the brackets.
  3. Enter the email address or addresses of any other recipients you wish to receive the message separated by a space.

How do I add bcc to mailx?

There is an easier solution: just have it send via SMTP. You do this by setting the smtp option, and since you’ve got a local MTA running, you should be able to set it to localhost . You can test like this: $ mail -S smtp=localhost -s ‘test message’ -b [email protected] [email protected] la la la .

How use sendmail command in Linux?

Simple example Once logged in, you can run the following command to send email: [server]$ /usr/sbin/sendmail [email protected] Subject: Test Send Mail Hello World control d (this key combination of control key and d will finish the email.)

What is Mailutils Ubuntu?

GNU Mailutils is a rich and powerful protocol-independent mail framework. It contains a series of useful mail libraries, clients, and servers. Specifically, this project contains a POP3 server, an IMAP4 server, and a Sieve mail filter. It also provides a POSIX “mailx” client and a collection of other handy tools.

What is Mailutils package?

Mailutils is a swiss army knife of electronic mail handling. For system administrators , Mailutils provides a set of daemons for delivering and reading electronic mail, including pop3d, imap4d, local mail transport daemon lmtpd, and a universal mail delivery agent, mda, and LMTP daemon.

What is the command to add CC in Unix mail?

Sending a simple mail Run the command below, to send an email to [email protected]. The s option specifies the subject of the mail followed by the recipient email address. The shell asks for the ‘Cc’ (Carbon copy) field. Enter the CC address and press enter or press enter without anything to skip.

Where is the mail directory in Linux?

Usually the local mailbox is either /var/spool/mail/$USER or /var/mail/$USER . If the mailbox is in a non-standard location, the system administrator may have configured the system to set the MAIL environment variable to the location of your mailbox.

How do I send an email with an attachment in Linux?

4 Ways to Send Email Attachment from Linux Command Line

  1. Using mail Command. mail is part of the mailutils (On Debian) and mailx (On RedHat) package and it is used to process messages on the command line.
  2. Using mutt Command.
  3. Using mailx Command.
  4. Using mpack Command.

How to send email to multiple recipients in Bash?

Email can be sent to multiple recipients by using `mail` command and adding the recipients’ addresses by separating comma. The following command will be sent an email to two recipients. $ mail -s “Testing email” username1 @ , username2 @ < test.txt

Is there a way to send email to multiple recipients?

Email can be sent to multiple recipients by using `mail` command and adding the recipients’ addresses by separating comma. The following command will be sent an email to two recipients. Like `mail` command, `mutt` command is not installed on Ubuntu by default.

How to send email to multiple recipients in Ubuntu?

Email can be sent to multiple recipients by using `mail` command and adding the recipients’ addresses by separating comma. The following command will be sent an email to two recipients. Like `mail` command, `mutt` command is not installed on Ubuntu by default. Run the following command to install `mutt` command.

How to send email from command line in Linux?

1. Use the mail command. Run the command below, to send an email to [email protected] The s option specifies the subject of the mail followed by the recipient email address. The above command is not finished upon hitting Enter. Next you have to type in the message. The shell asks for the ‘Cc’ (Carbon copy) field.

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