How do I activate my AdSense account for YouTube?

How do I activate my AdSense account for YouTube?

Create and link an AdSense account

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  2. Select the Monetization tab on the left menu.
  3. Click START on the Sign up for Google AdSense card.
  4. When prompted, enter your YouTube account password and re-authenticate if required.
  5. Choose which Google account you would like to use for AdSense.

How long does AdSense take to approve YouTube?

We’ll get back to you with a decision once your channel is reviewed (typically about 1 month after you meet the threshold). Note: Sometimes, you may need to wait more than a month.

How do I access my AdSense account?


  1. Click Sign in.
  2. Enter the email address and password you used to sign up for AdSense.
  3. Click Sign in. Note: If you haven’t accepted the latest Google AdSense Terms and Conditions, you’ll be asked to do so when you sign in.

How much is 1m views on YouTube?

between $2,000 and $4,000
How Much Money does 1 Million YouTube Views Make? The average amount YouTubers make per 1 million views usually falls between $2,000 and $4,000. However, the pay rate varies dramatically depending on engagement, type of content, and other revenue streams. Additionally, it takes hard work to get to 1 million views.

How do I know if AdSense is approved?

How do you know if my Adsense is approved? You can see if your AdSense account is approved by logging into your Adsense dashboard. You will then see stats for ads running on your site.

Does AdSense send you checks?

Some of the most important questions for website owners who use AdSense to generate revenue from ads are about how to receive their money….When do I get paid by AdSense?

Checks by mail 1-2 weeks
EFT payments / bank transfer 7 business days
Western Union Quick Cash you have 60 days to pick it up

Apakah penghasilan YouTubers masuk ke akun AdSense?

Perlu Anda tau, penghasilan Youtubers hanya masuk ke akun Adsense sebulan sekali. Jadi tidak perlu bolak – balik memeriksa dashord Adsense untuk melihat penghasilan Youtube. Anda bisa melihat penghasilan Youtube (Final earning) yang akan ditransfer ke akun AdSense sekitar pertengahan bulan antara tanggal 11- 14.

Apakah penghasilan dari YouTube berasal dari iklan AdSense?

Karena penghasilan dari YouTube diperoleh dari iklan adsense . Iklan Adsense sendiri merupakan produk advertising network dari Google yang nilai keuntungannya ditentukan oleh banyak faktor . Faktor penentu pendapatan dari Youtube melalui iklan Adsense itu ada banyak .

Apakah penghasilan YouTube ditransfer ke AdSense?

Anda bisa melihat penghasilan Youtube (Final earning) yang akan ditransfer ke akun AdSense sekitar pertengahan bulan antara tanggal 11- 14. Contoh, penghasilan yang terkumpul pada bulan Juni akan ditransfer ke AdSense pada pertengahan Juli. Selengkapnya bisa baca sumber resmi dari Adsense disini : Melihat penghasilan Anda

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