What is the purpose of a MortarNet?

What is the purpose of a MortarNet?

Description. MortarNet helps prevent moisture damage to masonry cavity walls by preventing mortar droppings from blocking the weep holes and by providing hundreds of clear drainage pathways that allow moisture to flow to the weeps. Its open mesh also allows air movement to help equalize pressure and dry the cavity.

What is MortarNet made of?

Specifier Note: MortarNet® is manufactured of polyester mesh (2”) and nylon (0.4” & 1”), fabricated in a 90% open mesh, 2”, 1” or 0.4” (51, 25.4, or 10.2 mm) thick.

What is mortar mesh?

Mortar mesh creates a barrier to stop the flow of grout when filling block wall cells. Using this mesh is an effective way to limit solid grouting to upper block courses. This masonry supply mesh is easy to use for all of your masonry projects.

How do you cover a weep hole?

Small pieces of steel wool (just pull it apart) or pieces of a plastic scrubber can be pushed into the entrance of a weep hole to keep unwanted critters out. Both items will effectively block the weep holes while still allowing air to filter in and water to seep out.

How do you attach mesh to a brick wall?

Mark through holes onto brickwork. Drill out holes with masonry drill. Push plastic raw plugs into holes flush with surface of walls. Attach MouseMesh applying reasonable pressure to screws but avoiding over tightening which may damage the grill.

Is it OK to cover weep holes?

Whatever you do, do not fill those weep holes. They’re an integral part of the drainage system to keep water from building up behind the brick. If allowed to contact any untreated lumber, this water will cause serious wood rot, mold and, eventually, structural problems with your home.

How do you get rid of weeping mortar?

Weeping mortar would need to be carefully chipped off with a chisel. An errant chisel blow to the mortar could chip the face of the brick.

Should mortar be sealed?

The most common repairs to brick and block walls, chimneys and brick veneer are cracks caused by wall movement or foundation settling and the deterioration of the mortar joint from exposure to the element over time. Once a crack develops it is important to seal the crack from water to prevent further deterioration.

Where does the mortar net go on a mortar board?

Mortar Net™ is placed on top of the flashing inside the cavity where it catches and suspends mortar droppings above the level of weep holes and flashing.

How is mortarnet used in cavity wall construction?

By using MortarNet for mortar suspension and collection, cavity walls perform the way they’re designed and walls stay dry and trouble-free. Breaks up and suspends mortar droppings above the flashing on two levels so weeps stay open Open weave mesh construction provides hundreds of pathways for moisture to exit the cavity

How does mortarnet work for mortar droppings collection?

MortarNet suspends mortar droppings above the flashing and weeps so they stay clear and unobstructed. Its 90% open mesh allows moisture to flow to the weeps and air to move within the cavity to promote drying. By using MortarNet for mortar suspension and collection, cavity walls perform the way they’re designed and walls stay dry and trouble-free.

Can you use a weep hole with mortarnet?

Weep holes must be used with MortarNet to allow effective moisture drainage and wall drying. Click on WeepVent or CellVent to see how they can help keep weep holes open and prevent insects from entering the cavity through the weeps.

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