How do I download CF CLI?
Install the cf CLI:
- For Microsoft Windows, unpack the ZIP file.
- For Mac OS, proceed as follows: Open the PGK file. In the installation wizard, choose Continue, and then select the destination folder for the cf CLI installation. Choose Continue, and when prompted, choose Install.
How do I know if Cloud Foundry CLI is installed?
In Windows, you can search in the start menu for the application “command prompt”. On a Mac, use spotlight to find the application “terminal”. On Linux/Unix, you know how this works, just open your favorite command shell. Next, test the Cloud Foundry command line interface to make sure it is installed correctly.
What CF CLI?
The cf CLI is the official command line client for Cloud Foundry. You can install the cf CLI with a package manager, an installer, or a compressed binary. For more information about how to use the cf CLI, see Getting Started with cf CLI.
What are CF commands?
Command | Description |
push | Push a new app or sync changes to an existing app. |
scale | Change or view the instance count, disk space limit, and memory limit for an app. |
delete | Delete an app. |
rename | Rename an app. |
How do I log into Cloud Foundry command line?
To list all users in an org or a space:
- Log in to the cf CLI: cf login.
- Run one of these commands: To list org users, run: cf org-users. To list space users, run: cf space-users.
What is Linux CF command?
The Cloud Foundry command-line interface (cf CLI) is your primary tool for interacting with your Cloud Foundry instances: manage apps, view logs, run health checks, manage buildpacks, manage users, and manage plugins.
How do you check PCF CLI logs?
Viewing Logs in the Command Line Interface. Use the cf CLI cf logs command to view logs. You can tail, dump, or filter log output. For more information about the cf logs command, see cf logs in the Cloud Foundry CLI Reference Guide.
What is Cloud Foundry CLI used for?
The cf CLI is the official command line client for Cloud Foundry. You can use the cf CLI to manage apps, service instances, orgs, spaces, and users in your environment.
What is CF push?
‘cf push’ is the command used in Cloud Foundry for uploading the applications to Cloud foundry. You can deploy an application to Cloud Foundry by running a cf push command from the Cloud Foundry command line interface ( cf CLI).
What is CF router?
The Cloud Foundry router includes the X-CF-Forwarded-Url header containing the originally requested URL, as well as the X-CF-Proxy-Signature and X-CF-Proxy-Metadata headers used by the router to validate that the route-service sent the request.
How do I SSH into Cloud Foundry app?
- Select the space with enabled SSH or enable it with cf allow-space-ssh {spaceName} .
- Check with cf space-ssh-allowed {spaceName} if SSH is enabled.
- Run cf enable-ssh {appName} to enable SSH for your application.
- Restart your application.
- Use cf ssh {appName} to connect to your application.
How to install the Cloud Foundry CLI on your computer?
The CLI runs in a terminal window on your computer and makes REST calls to the Cloud Foundry API. Follow the instructions to install the CLI: You can test that it works by running cf version: And you will see output similar to: The CLI is a self-documenting tool.
Which is the official command line client for Cloud Foundry?
The cf CLI is the official command line client for Cloud Foundry. Follow the instructions in this topic to install the cf CLI on your operating system. You can install the cf CLI with a package manager, an installer, or a compressed binary. For more information about how to use the cf CLI, see Getting Started with cf CLI.
How can I verify the installation of CF CLI?
To verify the installation of the cf CLI: Close and reopen the command prompt. Or, open a new tab in the command prompt. If your installation was successful, the cf CLI help listing appears. These sections describe how to uninstall the cf CLI.
Can a GitHub plugin still work on Cloud Foundry?
Older plugins that import will still work as long they vendor the plugins directory.