What did Agent Coulson see in Season 1 episode 14?

What did Agent Coulson see in Season 1 episode 14?

They find a sample of GH 325, but have to leave in a hurry because Garrett could not halt the self-destruct sequence. However, Coulson finds a door marked “T.A.H.I.T.I.

What happened to Fitz Season 5 episode 14?

In a masterful plot stroke, this week’s episode plays off Fitz’s old brain injury and his experiences within the Framework and reveals that Fitz, the real, recently married Leopold Fitz, takes on his dark side in order to back Daisy’s powers. Fitz is not possessed or facing an evil doppelganger, he is now his own fear.

What was the alien that Coulson saw?

As confirmed in the second season, the blue corpse that Coulson discovers in this episode is that of a Kree.

Is Coulson an alien?

Since his death-by-Asgardian and resurrection after The Avengers, SHIELD proved that Coulson was born for a life of fighting alien gods and demons. After using an atom bomb to end Izel and her horde, the Agents celebrated while Melinda May shot an imprisoned Sarge for wearing her dead lover’s face.

What did GH 325 do to Skye?

Later, during a mission carried out by Agent Coulson’s personal team, Skye, an inexperienced asset recruited by Coulson, was shot twice in the abdomen and left for dead.

What is Daisy’s biggest fear?

Asked her biggest fear, she said: “Being buried alive. I watched a special episode of CSI that Quentin Tarantino did and honestly, I had nightmares for months. Heinous, heinous. My absolute worst thing.”

Why did Fitz leave Agents of Shield season5?

Because Coulson was absent, Fitz could not be safeguarded by him and was forced to flee when Elektra accused him of being the traitor.

What drug was given to Skye?

Skye, doing research into the code, learned from Ward that Garrett wrote them after his injection with GH. 325.

Does Skye have powers?

The daughter of the supervillain Mister Hyde, she is a secret agent of the intelligence organization S.H.I.E.L.D. with the power to manipulate vibrations.

Who shot Skye in Agents of Shield?

But the package is actually the Cybertek robotics that will turn him into Deathlok. Quinn tries to order Mike to kill Skye, but he has been programmed to kill someone else. Instead, Quinn shoots Skye in the stomach and leaves her to bleed out. Does Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. need to be super to succeed?

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