How long does a sprained arm muscle take to heal?

How long does a sprained arm muscle take to heal?

After 2 weeks, most sprains and strains will feel better. Avoid strenuous exercise such as running for up to 8 weeks, as there’s a risk of further damage. Severe sprains and strains can take months to get back to normal.

How do you know if you pulled a muscle in your arm?

Signs you have a muscle strain Bruising, swelling or redness at the injury site. Difficulty using the affected muscle. Muscle weakness. Sudden pain when using the affected muscle.

What does an arm sprain feel like?

Common symptoms of a sprained arm are swelling, pain, redness and tenderness in the joint. Reduced range of motion in the joint is also present. Slight movement can aggravate pain.

Should I stretch a strained muscle?

Should you stretch a strained or pulled muscle? Like we mentioned above, the best thing to do for your pulled muscle is to rest it. Physical Therapist Lewis says “You would want to avoid stretching the muscle for a few days to allow the acute injury to begin to heal.

How do you tell the difference between a pulled muscle and a torn muscle?

A muscle strain is an injury that occurs when a muscle or a tendon is overstretched. A muscle tear is when a muscle or a tendon is overstretched and it tears.

What is the recommended treatment for muscle strain?

Rest the strained muscle and apply ice for the first few days after the injury. Anti-inflammatory medicines or acetaminophen (Tylenol) also help reduce pain and swelling. As the pain decreases, you can use heat on the muscle. Stretching and light exercises to bring blood to the injured area can also be useful.

How do you treat a sprained arm at home?


  1. Rest. Avoid activities that cause pain, swelling or discomfort.
  2. Ice. Even if you’re seeking medical help, ice the area immediately.
  3. Compression. To help stop swelling, compress the area with an elastic bandage until the swelling stops.
  4. Elevation.

Can a sprain heal on its own?

Sprains are common and usually heal on their own. However, severe sprains that completely sever the ligament may require months of healing and possibly surgery.

How long does it take a strained muscle to heal?

Recovery time depends on the severity of the injury. For a mild strain, you may be able to return to normal activities within three to six weeks with basic home care. For more severe strains, recovery can take several months. In severe cases, surgical repair and physical therapy may be necessary.

What is the difference in a strain and a sprain?

The difference between a sprain and a strain is that a sprain injures the bands of tissue that connect two bones together, while a strain involves an injury to a muscle or to the band of tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone.

What is the best treatment for muscle strain?

Treatments for Muscle strain. Rest, ice, compression, elevation, pain medication if needed, once pain has subsided gradually introduce light stretching movement to provide circulation to the affected muscle tissue.

What is the treatment for a muscle sprain?

Sprain (Muscle Tear) and Strain Treatments. A common treatment for sprains and strains is ibuprofen— a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID).

How do you treat a ligament sprain?

There are a variety of treatment options depending on how severely you strained the ligament. Mild tears or sprains are treated with ice, medication and physical therapy, but severe sprains may require surgery.

What is the treatment for muscle strain?

Some treatment options may include rest, over-the-counter or prescription medications, and heat or ice therapy. Pain is the primary symptom of this kind of strained muscle. Depending on the severity of the injury, the pain may be constant, or it may intensify during any kind of movement involving the chest.

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