How do I hide the page title in a WordPress plugin?

How do I hide the page title in a WordPress plugin?

Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

  1. Then Create New Post/Page Or you can use old one.
  2. Now go to edit screen for pages or posts and click on the Hide the title options.
  3. After you click on “Hide the title” just publish or update the page or post.

How do I remove the page title in WordPress?

Go to your My Site>Customize>Site Identity and remove the check mark next to Display Site Title and Tagline. Then click the Publish button at the top to make those changes go Live.

How do I hide page title in WooCommerce?

To hide or remove the page title in WooCommerce you have to add custom CSS or PHP code to your theme files to remove the title from your page. To do this, log into your WordPress site and in the left side menu go to Appearance > Customize and the find and click Additional CSS to insert the custom code found below.

How do I hide page titles?

It includes the ability to hide page titles with a simple toggle. Go to any page in the backend, click Edit with Elementor, and then click the Settings gear in the bottom left corner. Now switch on Hide Title and your page title will be gone.

How do I use Title remover plugin?


  1. Use WordPress’ plugin interface to find and install the plugin.
  2. Start editing the post or page whose title you want to hide.
  3. Among the boxes on the right side you will find one titled ‘Hide Title? ‘. Click on the checkbox.
  4. Save changes.

How do I change the page title in WordPress?

Change WordPress site title from Appearance

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to Appearance on your left sidebar and click on Customize.
  3. Go to Site Identity, change or edit your title.
  4. Click Publish or Save Changes (depending what Theme you use).

How do I hide page titles in WordPress for free?

Go to any page in the backend, click Edit with Elementor, and then click the Settings gear in the bottom left corner. Now switch on Hide Title and your page title will be gone. The last option is to edit the old CSS code so it targets only specific pages instead of all of them.

Is there a plugin to hide page titles in WordPress?

Hide page title plugin is an useful and simple tool that allows to hide page and post titles. There are several options, that allow users to remove headlines from specific pages or just hide from all pages or posts. You can check our plugins on WpDevArt

Is there a way to hide the title of a page?

One example is Elementor. It includes the ability to hide page titles with a simple toggle. Go to any page in the backend, click Edit with Elementor, and then click the Settings gear in the bottom left corner. Now switch on Hide Title and your page title will be gone.

How do I delete the title of a page in WordPress?

The most straightforward method involves leaving the title field blank before publishing. You can also delete the title of specific pages or posts by following these steps: Navigate to Pages -> All Pages or Posts -> All Posts from your WordPress dashboard. Hover over a particular post or page, then select Quick Edit.

How do you find the title of a post in WordPress?

Open the page in your browser, right click on the title of page/post and choose Inspect. The inspector will highlight HTML and show which CSS class is assigned to the page title. In our example, it is entry-title. However, it can be different depending on the theme you are using.

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