Can epilepsy cause weight loss?

Can epilepsy cause weight loss?

Abstract. Summary Weight gain or loss is not an integral part of epilepsy although a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to weight gain. Pharmacological treatment for epilepsy may be associated with substantial weight changes that may increase morbidity and impair adherence to the treatment regimen.

Does Keppra cause you to lose weight?

Conclusions: This study provides evidence that levetiracetam can cause significant weight loss. Women are at higher risk while initial weight is not a factor.

Does epilepsy medication make you gain weight?

Anti-seizure medicines like Depakene and Depakote (or valproic acid), treat seizures in epilepsy. This particular type of medication increases your appetite, causing you to gain 10 or more pounds.

Does Lamotrigine make you lose weight?

Mood stabilizers Low risk of weight gain: Lamotrigine (Lamictal) is most likely to cause weight loss. However, it can also cause weight gain. Other common side effects of this drug include: headache.

What does Topamax do for weight loss?

Topamax causes weight loss because it affects the appetite. People who take it and have a reduced appetite may feel hungry less often and eat less because of this. Studies have shown that Topamax may also speed up metabolism, which means that the body burns calories more quickly.

Does levetiracetam make you gain weight?

It depends on the degree of disease because Levetiracetam is considered a “weight- neutral” drug. It might lead to both weight gain and weight loss.

Does vimpat make you gain weight?

The incidence of weight gain was 1 percent for both Vimpat® and placebo groups.

How do you lose weight while on beta blockers?

Beta blockers lower metabolic rates, which means you’re burning fewer calories. They calm the body and reduce fidgeting, which can lower your calorie deficit by a couple of hundred a day.

Does Lamotrigine speed up metabolism?

Lamotrigine metabolism also exhibits the phenomenon of “autoinduction” (increase in its own metabolism during the course of therapy) [104], similar to the first-generation AED carbamazepine, with an approximately 20% reduction in steady-state serum/plasma concentrations if dosage is not escalated.

What bipolar medicine makes you lose weight?

Topiramate led to substantial weight loss in patients with bipolar disorders in these studies. The efficacy of topiramate as an adjunct treatment in patients with mood disorders has been demonstrated.

Are there any antiepileptic drugs that help with weight loss?

Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) associated with weight loss are felbamate, topiramate, and zonisamide. AEDs associated with weight gain are gabapentin, pregabalin, valproic acid, and vigabatrin and possibly, carbamazepine. Weight neutral AEDs are lamotrigine, levetiracetam, and phenytoin.

Can a person with epilepsy gain or lose weight?

Weight gain or loss is not an integral part of epilepsy although a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to weight gain. Pharmacological treatment for epilepsy may be associated with substantial weight changes that may increase morbidity and impair adherence to the treatment regimen.

Are there any weight neutral drugs for epilepsy?

Weight neutral AEDs are lamotrigine, levetiracetam, and phenytoin. In clinical practice it is critical to weigh patients regularly and AED selection should be based on each patient’s profile without sacrificing therapeutic efficacy. Publication types

What are the side effects of epilepsy medications?

Side effects include tiredness, weakness, and behavioral changes. Used to treat partial seizures, it is a once-daily medicine used alone or with other medications to control seizures.

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