What area code is 00716?

What area code is 00716?

Zip Code 00716 Profile Data

Official Zip Code Name Ponce
Zip Code State Puerto Rico
Zip Code Type Non-Unique
Primary County: Ponce
Area Code 787 / 939

What is a Puerto Rico zip code?

Puerto Rico is allocated the ZIP codes 00600 to 00799 and 00900 to 00999; the 008xx codes are allocated to the nearby United States Virgin Islands.

How many zip codes are in Puerto Rico?

173 ZIP codes
As of August 10, 2017, Puerto Rico has 173 ZIP codes. In 1963 the U.S. Postal Service numbered every American post office with a five-digit ZIP code.

Is shipping to Puerto Rico International?

Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, which means it’s not an “international” shipment — but it’s still not as simple as a domestic one. On top of that, as an island nation, shipping to Puerto Rico is also naturally more expensive and limited.

How many ZIP codes are in the Virgin Islands?

Virgin Islands Covers 16 ZIP Codes

ZIP Code City Type
00824 Christiansted P.O. Box
00830 St John Standard
00831 St John P.O. Box
00840 Frederiksted Standard

Does USPS ship to Virgin Islands?

USPS is the Best Choice to Ship to the US Virgin Islands There’s no contest. Similar to when you ship a package to Puerto Rico or the other US Territories, USPS treats the US Virgin Islands just like domestic mailing anywhere else the United States.

What area codes are in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico/Dialing codes

The primary telephone and mobile/cellphone area codes of Puerto Rico are 787 and 939, respectively. 939 was added mainly to facilitate so many new mobile phone users. Like the United States, the country code is “+1”, (i.e. 1+787+###+####).

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